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http://www.100md.com 2019年5月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 20195
     〔摘要〕 目的 观察和探讨微格教学法在《基于疾病的中西诊疗思维综合训练》(以下简称《思训》)课程中的教学效果。方法 以全校自愿选修《思训》课程的208名学生为研究对象,采取问卷调查的方式,统计分析微格教学法的教学效果。结果 微格教学法在《思训》课程中得到了良好的应用,教学效果好,学生满意度高。结论 微格教学法将分散的知识集中化,让不同学科的知识更具连贯性,促进了学生主动思考和学习,提高了教学质量。

    〔关键词〕 微格教学法;中西诊疗思维;综合训练;问卷调查

    〔中图分类号〕R2;G642 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2019.05.024

    〔Abstract〕 Objective To observe and discuss the effects of micro-teaching method on the Disease-Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic Comprehensive Thinking Training Course of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (hereinafter referred to as Thinking Training). Methods A total of 208 students who volunteered to take Thinking Training were taken as research objects and a questionnaire survey method was used to analyze the teaching effect of micro-teaching method. Results The micro-teaching method had been widely applied in Thinking Training ......
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