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http://www.100md.com 2019年12月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 201912
     〔摘要〕 目的 对比研究碱提法、酶解法的提取工艺,比较不同提取方法的香菇膳食纤维(可溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维)产率以及其理化性质差异。方法 优化碱提法温度、料液比、碱液浓度和酶解法加酶量、酶解温度、酶解时间等因素,完善香菇膳食纤维最优提取条件。结果 碱提法的最优工艺条件为碱液浓度1.25%,料水比约1∶20,温度80 ℃;酶解法的最优工艺条件为蛋白酶添加量0.4%,淀粉酶添加量0.4%。结论 碱提取法的香菇膳食纤维平均产率高于酶解法。且两种提取方法得到的膳食纤维的理化性质无明显差异,故在生产中宜采用新建立的碱提取法进行香菇膳食纤维的提取。

    〔关键词〕 香菇;水溶性膳食纤维;不溶膳食纤维;碱提法;酶解法

    〔中图分类号〕R284.2 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2019.12.023

    〔Abstract〕 Objective To compare the extraction process of alkali extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis, and to compare the yield of dietary fiber (Soluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber) and the physicochemical properties of different extraction methods. Methods The amount of enzyme, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature, enzymatic hydrolysis time, temperature, material-liquid ratio, alkali concentration and other factors were optimized, and the alkali extraction and enzymatic extraction of dietary fiber experiment was improved to find the optimal extraction conditions. Results The optimum technological conditions of alkali extraction were alkali concentration 1.25%, ratio of material to water 1∶20 and temperature 80℃. The optimum technological conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis were 0.4% of protease and 0.4% of amylase. Conclusion The average yield of dietary fiber by alkali extraction was higher than that by enzymatic hydrolysis. The physical and chemical properties of dietary fiber obtained by the 2 extraction methods were not significantly different, so a new alkali extraction method should be used to extract dietary fiber from Lentinus edodes.

    〔Keywords〕 lentinus edodes; soluble dietary fiber; insoluble dietary fiber; alkaline collection; enzymolysis method

    香菇(Lendinus edodes)屬于口蘑科香菇属,是世界第二大食用菌,也是中国特产之一[1],其味道鲜美、香气沁人、营养丰富,素有“植物皇后”的美誉[2]。我国香菇的出口贸易量也逐渐上升,年递增率约为2%。年出口量为3.6万吨,居世界之首,其次是日本,韩国居第3位[3]。同时,香菇含有丰富的氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素、矿物元素等营养成分,以及香菇多糖、膳食纤维等功能性成分[1]。

    膳食纤维(dietary fiber, DF)是指能抗人体小肠消化吸收的植物存储或植物细胞壁结构多糖。根据溶解性不同,可分为水溶性膳食纤维(soluble dietary fiber, SDF)和水不溶性膳食纤维(insoluble dietary fiber, IDF)。膳食纤维的主要化学成分是抗人体内酶水解的非淀粉多糖、木质素以及其他植物细胞壁成分[4]。根据美国谷物化学师协会(American association of cereal chemists, AACC)的定义,膳食纤维是指在人体小肠中不能消化吸收而在大肠中完全或部分发酵的植物性可食用部分或类似碳水化合物的总称;膳食纤维包括多糖、寡糖、木质素及相关植物成分,可通便、降血脂、降血糖[1]。

    目前,国内外提取膳食纤维的方法主要有化学提取法、酶提取法、化学—酶结合提取法、膜分离法、发酵法和超声波法等[5-6]。现有的提取方法存在着操作复杂,产率不高等一系列问题。为了探索药食同源植物中膳食纤维的最佳提取方案,本研究通过优化已有的提取方式[7-8],考察香菇水溶性膳食纤维和不溶膳食纤维碱提法、酶解法[9-10]的最优提取条件,对比研究两种不同提取方法的膳食纤维产率,以及其水合能力和吸附性等理化特性差异,为香菇生产加工和其他研究工作者提供一定的参考。, 百拇医药(王曦璠 李家宇 汤婉婷 肖小芹)
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