【摘要】 手术室是对病人抢救和治疗的场所,手术室的护理管理关系到患者的手术安全,任何的疏忽和大意都会造成严重的后果。手术室的护士长与一般的护理人员不同,他们肩负着领导以及管理的重任,要从全局来考虑工作的方法,做好手术室人力资源的管理。所以手术室的护士长必须要具备多方面的素质才能更好发挥自己的管理效能,达到管理的目标。【关键词】 手术室护士长人力资源管理的方式
【中图分类号】 R47【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1674-0742(2011)05(b)-0147-02
【Abstract】 The operating room is the place to rescue and cure patients.Nursing management of operating room related to the surgical patient safety,and the effect of any negligence will cause serious consequences.Operating room head nurse is different from general nursing.They have the heavy responsibility of leadership and management,and they should consider the methods of work according to the overall situation to make good management of human resources of operating room.Therefore,the head nurse in the operating room must have a wide range of quality in order to play their management more efficiently,so as to achieve management objectives.
【Key Words】 Operating room;Nurse;Human resources;Management approach
护理管理是医院管理的重要组成部分,护士长是护士管理当中的重要组成部分,起到了领导和组织的作用 ......
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