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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月5日 《中外医疗》 201210
     【摘要】 根管治疗术已成为目前国内外牙髓治疗的主要方法,并得到越来越广泛的应用。准确测量根管的工作长度是临床上成功进行根管治疗的前提和关键。传统的方法如根管器械探测法、X线透视或照片法存在很多缺陷,根管长度电测法克服了前两者方法的许多不足。根据根管长度电测法原理生产的根尖定位仪在临床上应用日益广泛。本文就根尖定位仪的原理、发展概况、测量影响因素以及应注意的事项作一综述。

    【关键词】 根尖定位仪 根管治疗 根管工作长度 根尖止点

    【中图分类号 】 R781.05【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1674-0742(2012)04(a)-0191-02

    Review of Clinical Application of Electronic Apex Locator

    Liu dan Zhu hongming Zhu dexing

    ZhongxiangCity,Hubei Province,the Third People's Hospital,Zhongxiang 431900,China

    【Abstract】 Root canal therapy has become the main method of pulp therapy and got more and more widely used at home and abroad.Accurate measurement of the root canal working length is the key for successful root canal therapy.The traditional methods such as root canal equipment detection method, X-ray perspective or photos method exists many defects,and root canal length electrical measurement method to overcome before both methods of many shortcomings.Electronic apex locator according to the principle of canal length electrical measurement method widely used in the clinical.This article summarized the principle and development situation of electronic apex locator,measuring influence factors and some matters needing attention. ......
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