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http://www.100md.com 2015年6月25日 《中外医疗》 201518
     [摘要] 目的 探讨综合性康复治疗对脑血管意外造成的偏瘫患者的临床疗效效果。方法 随机选取该院康复科从2011年1月—2014年1月收治的60例并经过CT检查或核磁共振检查而证实为脑血管意外而导致肢体偏瘫的患者为该次试验对象, 按入院时间随机分为对照组和观察组,对照组接受传统康复治疗而观察组在接受传统康复治疗的基础上接受综合性康复治疗,通过观察两组病例在性别、年龄和病情等方面差异无统计学意义,通过对全部患者在治疗前后3个月的生命体征、头颅CT或核磁共振情况及患侧肢体活动等方面进行评估,对比不同治疗方案的治疗情况。 结果 两组病例在经过3个月的康复治疗后,观察组治疗显效13例,总有效率86.7%;对照组治疗显效7例,总有效率76.7%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 综合性的康复治疗对提高急性脑血管意外而导致偏瘫患者的患侧肢体运动能力、增强患者的生活自理程度有着重要作用,可以帮助患者及家属积极面对本疾病提高治疗信心,综合性康复治疗有着重要的临床价值。

    [关键词] 康复治疗;脑血管意外;脑卒中;偏瘫;治疗

    [中图分类号] R743;R255.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2015)06(c)-0099-02

    [Abstract] Objective To study the comprehensive rehabilitation therapy on cerebrovascular accident caused by the effect of the clinical efficacy of hemiplegia patients. Methods Select the hospital rehabilitation department from January 2011 to January 2014 were treated 60 cases and by CT scan or MRI and confirmed for cerebral vascular accident caused hemiplegia patients as the test object. According to the admission time were randomly divided into observation group and control group, the control group received conventional rehabilitation therapy and the observation group received comprehensive rehabilitation treatment on the acceptance of traditional rehabilitation therapy, through the observation of the two groups of patients in terms of gender, age and disease, there was no statistically significant difference by of all patients in the treatment before and after three months of The vital signs, CT or MRI and the side limb activity were evaluated and compared with the treatment of different treatment regimens.Results Two groups of patients after three months of rehabilitation, the observation group were cured 13 cases, total effective rate was 86.7%; control group patients showed 7 cases, the total efficiency of 76.7%, the difference was significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment to improve the acute cerebrovascular accident in patients with hemiplegia caused one side of the body movement ability, increasing the extent of the care of the patient's life plays an important role, can help the patient and family to confidence for this disease to improve treatment actively, comprehensive rehabilitation treatment has important clinical value.

    [Key words] Rehabilitation treatment; Cerebrovascular accident; Stroke; Hemiplegia; Treatment

    偏瘫是急性脑血管意外中最普遍的后遗症症状也是照成患者残疾的主要因素之一,而早期治疗是恢复患者生活自理能力重要手段[1]。康复治疗是临床对患者进行康复评定后根据患者需求与实际情况,通过制定康复方案由康复医师与专业康复治疗师采取多种康复训练的治疗方式达到使患者身心功能康复的目的的治疗技术[2]。采取康复治疗是为了帮助患者尽早恢复社会生活功能,改善生活质量。由于急性脑血管意外偏瘫患者在病发后生活质量大大下降,肢体功能基本丧失,采取康复治疗是帮助患者尽早恢复日常生活能力的重要手段。为观察综合康复治疗措施在急性脑血管意外偏瘫患者临床治疗中的应用价值,该研究随机选取该院于2011年1月—2014年1月所接诊的60例急性脑血管意外患者进行常规康复治疗与综合康复治疗比较观察,综合分析综合性康复治疗在本病中的作用,临床取得较为满意的综合疗效,现报道如下。, 百拇医药(李轲)
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