[摘要] 目的 分析心电图额面P波电轴与肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病的关系。 方法 回顾性分析该院2014年1月—2015年1月同期行胸部DR/CT、心电图与肺功能检查的住院患者的病史,筛选出符合条件者2 891人,将其分为肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病组与非肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病组,其中前者1 145人,后者1 746人,比较两组心电图额面P波电轴。 结果 肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者额面P波电轴大于非肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者,并且与FEV1/预计值呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.308,以α=0.05,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。 结论 额面P波电轴对肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊断有临床价值,并可用于评估其严重程度。
[关键词] 额面P波电轴;肺功能;肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病
[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)02(c)-0187-03
Analysis of Correlation between P Wave Electrical Axis of Electrocardiogram Frontal Surface and Pneumonectasis/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
HUANG Ya-hui, ZHOU Lu, WANG Jian-hui, LI Fang, TIAN Wen-xian, WANG Jing
Second department of Respiratory and Critical disease, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou,Henan Province,450052 China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the correlation between P wave electrical axis of frontal surface and pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods The disease history of inpatients receiving chest DR/CT, electrocardiogram and pulmonary function examination in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2015 were retrospectively analyzed, 2 891 cases meeting the requirements were selected and divided into the pneumonectasis/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group with 1 145 cases and the non- pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group with 1 746 cases, the P wave electrical axis of electrocardiogram frontal surface of the two groups was compared. Results The P wave electrical axis in patients with pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was higher than that in patients with non- pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and it was negatively correlated with FEV1/predicated value, correlation coefficient r=-0.308, α=0.05,P<0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion P wave electrical axis of frontal surface in diagnosis of pneumonectasis/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a clinical value, and it can be used to evaluate its severity.
[Key words] Frontal P-wave axis; Pulmonary function;Emphysema/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(慢阻肺)是一种常见的以持续性气流受限为主要特征的可以预防和治疗的疾病,今已成为全球第四大致死性疾病,并且呈上升趋势。流行病学研究表明2020年慢阻肺将成为全球第三大致死性疾病,至于其发病危险因素仍不详细,但有研究表明,吸入香烟烟雾及其他有毒颗粒为其主要病因[1-7]。肺功能为临床诊断慢性阻塞性肺疾病的主要方法,其价格昂贵,限制基层医院开展相关检查。心电图为一项最基本的心脏检查,广泛应用于各级医院,而肺与心脏又均位于胸腔之中,共同实现了机体血液循环,长期肺部病变也可波及心脏,引起心电图变化,典型表现如肺型P波,肺栓塞SIQIIITIII等,有学者研究发现心电图额面P波电轴与肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病可能存在联系[1,8-17],为此展开研究。为此对该院2014年1月—2015年1月同期行胸部DR/CT、心电图与肺功能检查患者进行研究,共筛选出符合条件者2 891人,现报道如下。 (黄亚辉 周璐 王建辉 李芳 田文娴 王静)
[关键词] 额面P波电轴;肺功能;肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病
[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)02(c)-0187-03
Analysis of Correlation between P Wave Electrical Axis of Electrocardiogram Frontal Surface and Pneumonectasis/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
HUANG Ya-hui, ZHOU Lu, WANG Jian-hui, LI Fang, TIAN Wen-xian, WANG Jing
Second department of Respiratory and Critical disease, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou,Henan Province,450052 China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the correlation between P wave electrical axis of frontal surface and pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods The disease history of inpatients receiving chest DR/CT, electrocardiogram and pulmonary function examination in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2015 were retrospectively analyzed, 2 891 cases meeting the requirements were selected and divided into the pneumonectasis/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group with 1 145 cases and the non- pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group with 1 746 cases, the P wave electrical axis of electrocardiogram frontal surface of the two groups was compared. Results The P wave electrical axis in patients with pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was higher than that in patients with non- pneumonectasis/ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and it was negatively correlated with FEV1/predicated value, correlation coefficient r=-0.308, α=0.05,P<0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion P wave electrical axis of frontal surface in diagnosis of pneumonectasis/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a clinical value, and it can be used to evaluate its severity.
[Key words] Frontal P-wave axis; Pulmonary function;Emphysema/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(慢阻肺)是一种常见的以持续性气流受限为主要特征的可以预防和治疗的疾病,今已成为全球第四大致死性疾病,并且呈上升趋势。流行病学研究表明2020年慢阻肺将成为全球第三大致死性疾病,至于其发病危险因素仍不详细,但有研究表明,吸入香烟烟雾及其他有毒颗粒为其主要病因[1-7]。肺功能为临床诊断慢性阻塞性肺疾病的主要方法,其价格昂贵,限制基层医院开展相关检查。心电图为一项最基本的心脏检查,广泛应用于各级医院,而肺与心脏又均位于胸腔之中,共同实现了机体血液循环,长期肺部病变也可波及心脏,引起心电图变化,典型表现如肺型P波,肺栓塞SIQIIITIII等,有学者研究发现心电图额面P波电轴与肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺疾病可能存在联系[1,8-17],为此展开研究。为此对该院2014年1月—2015年1月同期行胸部DR/CT、心电图与肺功能检查患者进行研究,共筛选出符合条件者2 891人,现报道如下。 (黄亚辉 周璐 王建辉 李芳 田文娴 王静)