[摘要] 目的 研究肝占位性疾病采用多排螺旋CT增强扫描诊断的临床价值。方法 方便收集126例该院2012年4月—2015年4月期间收治的肝脏占位病变患者的资料。126例患者先实施临床CT平扫检查,设为对照组;然后再实施临床CT动态增强扫描检查,设为观察组;观察并记录两组检查后的正确率情况。 结果 CT平扫(对照组)的检出率50.0%明显低于多排螺旋CT增强扫描(观察组)的92.9%,对照组的检出率50.0%明显低于病理检查检出率100.0%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 多排螺旋CT增强扫描诊断肝占位疾病,有效的提高了诊断的准确率,减少误诊率,值得临床推广应用。
[关键词] 肝占位性病变;临床诊断;CT扫描
[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)03(c)-0195-02
Clinical Evaluation of Accuracy Rate of Multi-slice Spiral CT Enhanced Scan in Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions
ZHANG Xiang-an
Department of Radiology, Gushi Gongliao Hospital, Gushi, Henan Province, 413026 China
[Abstract] Objective To research the clinical value of multi-slice spiral CT enhancement scanning in diagnosis of focal liver lesions. Methods The data of 126 cases of patients with focal liver lesions admitted and treated in our hospital from April 2012 to April 2015 were collected, 148 lesions occurred in total, the 126 cases of patients were examined by CT non-contrast enhanced scan and were regarded as the control group, and then were examined by CT dynamic contrast-enhanced scan and were regarded as the observation group, the accuracy rates of the two groups after examination were observed and recorded. Results The detection rate of the control group was obviously lower than that of the observation group(50.0% vs 92.9%), the detection rate of the control group was obviously lower than that of the pathological examination(50.0% vs 100.0%), the results were statistically significant, the detection rate of the observation group was a little lower than that of the pathological examination, and the results were not statistically significant(P>0.05). Conclusion The multi-slice spiral CT enhanced scan in diagnosis of focal liver lesions effectively improves the diagnostic accuracy rate and reduce the misdiagnosed rate, and it can produce the enhanced information through tumor lesions to avoid the wrong judgement in clinic, which is worth promotion and application in clinic.
[Key words] Focal liver lesions; Clinical diagnosis; CT scan
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
该研究对象为方便选取该院住院部2012年4月—2015年4月期间收治的肝脏占位病变患者126例(148处病灶),其中男性70例,女性56例,年龄29~82岁,平均年龄(55.6±11.4)岁;病灶直径1.4~12.6 cm,平均直径(8.6±1.2)cm,病程1~10 年。职业:工人74例、教师36例、医生8例、农民8例。病因:病毒性肝炎、酒精中毒、肝硬化等;入选标准:符合肝脏占位性病变的相关诊断标准,患者均自愿参与该研究,并经该院伦理委员会批准通过,患者均签署知情同意书。患者无心肝肾等严重疾病史,排除患者资料不全、碘过敏及精神疾病史。根据临床检查不同,126例患者先实施临床CT平扫检查,设为对照组;然后再实施临床CT动态增强扫描检查,设为观察组;观察CT平扫和增强扫描时肝内病变情况。148处病灶中,单发病灶者100例,多发病灶者48例;126例患者均经手术或穿刺活检后进行组织病理学检查证实。126例患者上述资料(性别、年龄、病灶直径等)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 (张祥安)
[关键词] 肝占位性病变;临床诊断;CT扫描
[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)03(c)-0195-02
Clinical Evaluation of Accuracy Rate of Multi-slice Spiral CT Enhanced Scan in Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions
ZHANG Xiang-an
Department of Radiology, Gushi Gongliao Hospital, Gushi, Henan Province, 413026 China
[Abstract] Objective To research the clinical value of multi-slice spiral CT enhancement scanning in diagnosis of focal liver lesions. Methods The data of 126 cases of patients with focal liver lesions admitted and treated in our hospital from April 2012 to April 2015 were collected, 148 lesions occurred in total, the 126 cases of patients were examined by CT non-contrast enhanced scan and were regarded as the control group, and then were examined by CT dynamic contrast-enhanced scan and were regarded as the observation group, the accuracy rates of the two groups after examination were observed and recorded. Results The detection rate of the control group was obviously lower than that of the observation group(50.0% vs 92.9%), the detection rate of the control group was obviously lower than that of the pathological examination(50.0% vs 100.0%), the results were statistically significant, the detection rate of the observation group was a little lower than that of the pathological examination, and the results were not statistically significant(P>0.05). Conclusion The multi-slice spiral CT enhanced scan in diagnosis of focal liver lesions effectively improves the diagnostic accuracy rate and reduce the misdiagnosed rate, and it can produce the enhanced information through tumor lesions to avoid the wrong judgement in clinic, which is worth promotion and application in clinic.
[Key words] Focal liver lesions; Clinical diagnosis; CT scan
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
该研究对象为方便选取该院住院部2012年4月—2015年4月期间收治的肝脏占位病变患者126例(148处病灶),其中男性70例,女性56例,年龄29~82岁,平均年龄(55.6±11.4)岁;病灶直径1.4~12.6 cm,平均直径(8.6±1.2)cm,病程1~10 年。职业:工人74例、教师36例、医生8例、农民8例。病因:病毒性肝炎、酒精中毒、肝硬化等;入选标准:符合肝脏占位性病变的相关诊断标准,患者均自愿参与该研究,并经该院伦理委员会批准通过,患者均签署知情同意书。患者无心肝肾等严重疾病史,排除患者资料不全、碘过敏及精神疾病史。根据临床检查不同,126例患者先实施临床CT平扫检查,设为对照组;然后再实施临床CT动态增强扫描检查,设为观察组;观察CT平扫和增强扫描时肝内病变情况。148处病灶中,单发病灶者100例,多发病灶者48例;126例患者均经手术或穿刺活检后进行组织病理学检查证实。126例患者上述资料(性别、年龄、病灶直径等)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 (张祥安)