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http://www.100md.com 2016年9月15日 《中外医疗》2016年第26期
     [摘要] 目的 通过对195例反复发作性膝关节疼痛患儿的行走步态进行临床观察,找出其发病原因和有效治疗方法。方法 方便选取2005年1月—2015年8月把该院收治的195例门诊膝关节疼痛患儿,随机设置为观察组(A)95例和对照组(B)100例两组,A组进行步态分析,找出尖足和外翻足等异常步态,并予矫形器包括矫形足托和矫形足弓垫穿戴矫正,并进行正常步态练习3个月;B组予口服钙剂3个月;观察两组病例疼痛缓解情况。结果 经过3个月的治疗,观察组的膝关节疼痛得到明显的缓解和减轻,获得了98.9%的有效率;对照组的膝关节疼痛改善相对不明显,有效率为63%,两者比较差异有统计学意义。结论 功能性膝关节疼痛是尖足、外翻足等步态异常所致的疲劳性疼痛,不是正常的生长性疼痛,穿戴矫形足托或足弓垫,改善异常步态是治疗此类疼痛的有效方法之一。

    [关键词] 膝关节疼痛;功能性;步态异常;生长痛;矫形器

    [中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)09(b)-0058-03

    [Abstract] Objective Through 195 cases about the gait observation of children with recurrent knee pain, which to identify disease cause and effective treatment. Methods Convenient selection from January 2005 to August 2015, we set two groups to observe knee pain of children, 95 cases of the observation group(A) and 100 cases of the control group (B). A group of gait analysis to identify pointed feet, valgus and other abnormal gait. orthopedic includes orthopedic foot care and orthotic arch, which can help patients wear correctly, and proceed normal gait exercises for three months. B group proceeded oral calcium for three months. Observing the condition of two groups, whether the condition can relief or not. Results After three months of treatment, the observation group of knee pain was significantly relief and mitigation. The observation group obtained 98.9% efficiency, the control group did not have obvious improvement, obtained 63% efficiency. The observation group and the control group have significant difference(P<0.05). Conclusion Functional knee pain is a fatigue pain that leads the abnormal of valgus and other gait, It is not a normal growth pain. Wearing orthotics or arch support foot care and improving the abnormal gait is a efficient way to treat this pain.

    [Key words] Knee pain; Functional; Abnormal gait ;Growing pains; Orthosis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    方便选取的全部病例为门诊病人,其中男100例,女95例,年龄最小2岁,最大10岁;单侧膝关节145例,双侧膝关节50例;病程3个月~5年不等。发病频率2次/月~3次/周不等,症状持续时间10 min~3 h不等,经局部按摩后均可自行缓解。多数于夜晚发病,少数可发生于白天,个别昼夜均可发病。大多数病例常在长时间行走或剧烈运动后发生。将195患儿随机分为观察组(A)95例和对照组(B)100例两组,A组年龄(5.3±3.1)岁,发病频率(5.1±3.5)次,B组年龄(5.3±3.1)岁,发病频率(5.1±3.5)次/月,两组病例在性别、年龄、部位、病程、发病频率上,差异无统计学意义。

    所选195例病儿均进行血常规、血沉、抗O、类风湿因子检查及膝关节X线片检查,排除膝关节滑膜炎、风湿热、类风湿关节炎、肿瘤、骨折等膝关节器质性病变。 (方兵)
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