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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月15日 《中外医疗》 2017年第35期
     [摘要] 目的 分析酒精性肝病并酒精戒断综合征临床特征,总结护理经验。 方法 2017年1—8月,医院共收治酒精性肝病并酒精戒断综合征52例,落实入院评估、病情监护、对症护理、安全管理、休息与活动、饮食护理、心理护理与健康教育。结果 患者病情好转时间2~18 d,平均(5.5±1.4)d。随访42例患者,其中1例复发,复发时间第2个月。住院期间,未见肝性脑病等严重并发症。1例患者出现皮肤擦伤,2例出现磕碰伤,未见误吸误咽。年龄与症状持续时间存在相关性(r=0.784,P=0.025 <0.05)。结论 酒精性肝病并酒精戒断综合征不同患者的病情存在较大的差异,老年人、嗜酒者的症状持续时间相对较长,病情更重,发作期间容易出现意外伤害,出院后还可能复发,需要加强安全管理,重视复发预防。

    [关键词] 酒精性肝病;酒精戒断综合征;护理

    [中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)12(b)-0167-03

    [Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical features of alcoholic liver disease with alcoholic withdrawal syndrome and summarize the nursing experience. Methods 52 cases of patients with alcoholic liver disease combined with alcoholic withdrawal syndrome admitted and treated in our hospital from January to August 2017 were selected and the admission evaluation, disease monitoring, systematic nursing, safe management, rest and activity, dieting nursing, mental nursing and health education were implanted. Results The disease improvement time was 2 to 18 d, (5.5±1.4) d on average, and 42 cases were followed up, including 1 recurrent case, and the recurrence time was the second month, during the hospitalization, there were no severe complications such as hepatic encephalopathy, and 1 case was with skin abrasion and 2 cases were with collision wound, and no one was with aspiration, and the age was correlated with the symptom duration(r=0.784, P=0.025 <0.05). Conclusion The diseases of patients with alcoholic liver disease combined with alcoholic withdrawal syndrome are quite different, and the symptom duration of senile people and alcoholic users is relatively long, and the disease of them is severer, and the accidental injury is easy to occur during attack, and we need to enhance the safe management and pay attention to the recurrence and prevention.

    [Key words] Alcoholic liver disease; Alcohol withdrawal syndrome; Nursing

    酒精戒斷综合征是长期大量饮酒、酗酒者,突然停止饮酒或饮酒量减少而出现的一组综合征,轻则出现自主神经功能亢进、震颤、失眠,严重者可出现幻觉、谵妄、癫痫,一般出现在停酒后6~24 h内,绝大多数可自行消失,重症患者需要住院治疗。酒精戒断综合征者常合并酒精性肝病,常见酒精性脂肪肝、肝硬化,严重者可出现腹水、肝性脑病等严重并发症[1]。我国酒精戒断综合征流行病学调查较少,具体发病率并不清楚,但考虑到我国盛行酒文化,饮酒者众多,潜在患者较多。对于酒精性肝病并酒精戒断综合征患者,除常规对症护理外,还需要加强针对戒断综合征的管理,重视安全管理。2017年1—8月,医院共收治酒精性肝病并酒精戒断综合征52例,分析临床特点,总结护理经验,现报道如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    该组52例对象,均为男性,年龄44~71岁,平均(54.4±8.4)岁。患者除合并酒精性肝病外,还合并胆囊结石8例、慢性支气管炎12例、高血压22例、口腔溃疡12例。饮酒以白酒为主40例,黄酒12例。戒断综合征主要症状表现:自主神经功能亢进40例,失眠30例,震颤谵妄27例,酒精性幻觉18例,癫痫9例,少部分患者出现多种症状表现。纳入标准:①经超声、血清生化指标检查,结合饮酒史,诊断为酒精性脂肪肝;②参照DSM-IV标准诊断为酒精戒断综合征;③排除其他类型的肝病,如乙肝、免疫性肝病;④临床资料完整,获得随访。, 百拇医药(刘碧棋)
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