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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月25日 《中外医疗》 2018年第6期
     [摘要] 子宫内膜异位症是临床妇科疾病中最为常见的一种病灶,同时也是临床治疗难度较大的一种病症,临床症状以不孕、慢性盆腔痛、性交痛、痛经为主要表现,治愈难度较大或临床治疗后容易反复发作,在近两年来,子宫内膜异位症的发生率逐渐呈攀升态势,对女性患者的生活质量、身心健康造成了严重的影响。虽然在组织学中,子宫内膜异位症属于良性疾病,但该病却存在恶性生物学行为,比如浸润、增生、复发、转移等。中医指出,该病夹杂虚实,本虚标实,复发的几率较高。近几年有研究指出散结镇痛胶囊治疗子宫内膜异位症及慢性盆腔痛,能够获得满意的疗效,且疾病复发率低、不良反应发生率低。此次研究主要对散结镇痛胶囊治疗子宫内膜异位症及慢性盆腔痛的作用机制,进行了综述。

    [关键词] 子宫内膜异位症;散结镇痛胶囊;慢性盆腔疼痛

    [中图分类号] R217 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)02(c)-0196-03

    Application Progress of Sanjie Capsule in Treating Endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain

    DONG Ang

    Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Women and Children Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100006 China

    [Abstract] Endometriosis is the most common clinical disease of gynecological lesions, and it belongs to a more difficult disease of clinical treatment, clinical symptoms of infertility, chronic pelvic pain, painful sexual intercourse, dysmenorrhea as the main performance, the healing difficulty is large or easy to recurrent after clinical treatment, in the past two years, the incidence of endometriosis has gradually increased, having a serious impact on physical and mental health and the quality of life of women patients. Although in the histology, endometriosis is a benign disease, there are malignant biological behavior of the disease, such as infiltration, hyperplasia, recurrence, metastasis and so on. Chinese medicine pointed out that the disease mixed with actual conditions, the virtual reality, with higher risk of recurrence. In recent years, studies have pointed out Sanjie analgesic capsules for treatment of endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain can obtain satisfactory results, and the disease recurrence rate is low, the incidence of adverse reactions is low. This study mainly summarizes the mechanism of Sanjie Zhuotong Capsule in treating endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain.

    [Key words] Endometriosis; Sanjie analgesic capsules; Chronic pelvic pain


    子宫内膜异位症的临床表现,以疼痛为主要表现,同时也是迫使患者到医院就诊、治疗的主要原因。因为周期性卵巢激素对子宫内膜异位病灶的影响,产生出血、增生等周期性的变化,进而引发渐进性痛经、继发性痛经[2]。子宫内膜异位症所致的疼痛部位,大部分都集中在腰骶部、腹部等,疼痛可放射到会阴部、阴道、大腿以及肛门等位置,在生理期来临前的1~2 d,会出现明显的疼痛症状,生理期到来的第1天,疼痛呈明显加重趋势,从第2天开始又会逐步缓解,有些患者伴有或不伴有非经期盆腔痛等表现,严重干扰着女性患者的生活质量以及身体健康。

    临床治疗方面主要有药物治疗、手术治疗2种,假绝经疗法、假孕法为主要的藥物治疗方法。临床治疗中所使用的药物主要包括丹那唑、Gnrh-a、内美通等等。用药治疗的原理为:对正常的生理周期进行阻碍,抑制激素分泌,进而抑制子宫内膜异位生长[3]。因为用药治疗使得人体激素水平发生了显著性的改变,长时间用药治疗则会产生诸多的不良反应,停药后容易复发,治疗费用也比较高[4]。故临床并不建议长期用药治疗。近两年来多项研究指出,散结镇痛胶囊治疗子宫内膜异位症具有化瘀止痛、软坚散结的作用,尤其是是对重度子宫腺肌病以及子宫内膜异位,不仅安全性较高,而且还具有十分突出的有效性。, 百拇医药(董昂)
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