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http://www.100md.com 2019年4月25日 《中外医疗》 2019年第12期
     [摘要] 目的 觀察不同年龄段成年男性膝关节滑液体积与关节软骨的影像学特点,以期为临床下一步治疗提供借鉴。方法 方便选择2017年6月—2018年6月来该院体检的76例患者,将其按照年龄分为四个小组,其中20~29岁为A组,30~39岁为B组,40~49岁为C组,50~59岁为D组。对上述四组患者进行MRI检查,仔细记录股骨内外侧髁、关节软骨厚度等指标,比较四组膝关节滑液体积以及关节软骨情况。 结果 ①A、B、C、D膝关节滑液体积分别为(2.80±0.41)cm3、(2.13±0.34)cm3、(1.70±0.31)cm3、(0.75±0.25A)cm3;A组膝关节滑液体积明显高于B、C、D三组,且其水平随年龄增加而不断降低(P<0.05);②A组股骨内侧髁关节、股骨外侧髁关节、胫骨内侧髁关节以及胫骨外侧髁关节前点、中点、后点的关节软骨厚度分别为(2.86±0.52)mm、(3.06±0.68)mm、(3.31±0.47)mm、(3.35±0.26)mm、(2.62±0.40)mm、(3.41±0.50)mm、(2.38±0.33)mm、(2.64±0.71)mm、(2.65±0.52)mm、(1.89±0.28)mm、(3.80±0.65)mm、(3.30±0.52)mm;B组分别为(2.68±0.68)mm、(3.01±0.65)mm、(3.22±0.45)mm、(3.24±0.40)mm、(2.47±0.61)mm、(3.30±0.45)mm、(2.27±0.40)mm、(2.47±0.61)mm、(2.40±0.50)mm、(1.82±0.40)mm、(3.70±0.61)mm、(3.16±0.40)mm;A、B两组膝关节软骨厚度明显高于C、D两组,但A、B两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 随着年龄不断增加,膝关节滑液体积及关节软骨厚度不断减小,且关节滑液体积改变情况早于关节软骨厚度,这对于预防治疗膝骨关节炎意义重大。

    [关键词] 成年男性;膝关节;滑液体积;关节软骨;MRI

    [中图分类号] R68;R445.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)04(c)-0014-03

    [Abstract] Objective To observe the imaging characteristics of synovial fluid volume and articular cartilage of knees of the adult male of different ages. To provide reference for the next step of clinical treatment. Methods 76 patents who came to our hospital from June 2017 to June 2018 were convenient selected and divided into four groups according to their age. Among them, 20 to 29 years old people were in group A, and 30 to 39 years old people were in group B, 40-49 years old people were in group C, 50 to 59 years old people were in group D. MRI examination was performed on the patients in the four groups. The indexes of the medial and lateral femoral condyle, and the thickness of the articular cartilage were recorded. The volume of synovial fluid and articular cartilage of the four groups were compared. Results ①The volume of synovial fluid of A, B, C, D knee joints were (2.80±0.41) cm3, (2.13±0.34) cm3, (1.70±0.31) cm3 (0.75±0.25A) cm3, respectively. The volume of synovial fluid in knee joint of group A was significantly higher than that of group B, C and D, and its level decreased with age (P<0.05). ②The thickness of articular cartilage in the medial temporal femoral joint, the lateral femoral condyle, the medial temporal ankle joint, and the lateral anterior, medial, and posterior tibiofibular joints of group A were (2.86±0.52)mm, (3.06±0.68)mm, respectively, (3.31±0.47)mm, (3.35±0.26)mm, (2.62±0.40)mm, (3.41±0.50)mm, (2.38±0.33)mm, (2.64±0.71)mm, (2.65±0.52)mm, (1.89±0.28)mm, (3.80±0.65)mm, (3.30±0.52)mm; B group were (2.68±0.68)mm, (3.01±0.65) mm, (3.22±0.45) mm, (3.24±0.40) mm, ( 2.47±0.61)mm, (3.30±0.45) mm, (2.27±0.40) mm, (2.47±0.61)mm, (2.40±0.50)mm, (1.82±0.40)mm, (3.70±0.61)mm, (3.16±0.40)mm. Knee cartilage thickness of group A and B was significantly higher than that of group C and D, but the difference between the group A and B was not significant (P>0.05). Conclusion With the increase of age, the volume of synovial fluid and the thickness of articular cartilage in knee joints decreases, and the volume of joint synovial fluid changes earlier than the thickness of articular cartilage, which is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of knee osteoarthritis., 百拇医药(王健 王照阁 孙丽 刘俊华 徐夏荫)
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