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http://www.100md.com 2019年9月5日 《中外医疗》 2019年第25期


    [1] Holliday EB, Esmaeli B, Pinckard J, et al.A Multidiscip linary Orbit-Sparing Treatment Approach That Includes Proton Therapy for Epithelial Tumors of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa[J].International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2016,95(1):344-352.

    [2] Sirin S, de Jong MC,De G P,et al. High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Reliably Detect Orbital Tumor Recurrence after Enucleation in Children with Retinobl astoma[J]. Ophthalmology, 2016,123(3):635-645.
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    [3] Yuan W H, Lin T C, Lirng J F, et al. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of intraorbital granular cell tumor (Abrikossoff’s tumor): a case report[J]. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2016,10(1):1-5.

    [4] Tanaka K,Yano H,Hayashi H,et al. Total resection combined with osteotomy is more effective for orbital solitary fibrous tumor excision: a report of three cases[J].International Ophthalmology, 2017,38(4):1-7.
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    [5] Kamal S, Kaliki S, Sreedhar A, et al. Primary orbital yolk sac tumor: report of a case and review of literature[J]. International Ophthalmology, 2016,36(3):435-444.

    [6] Rana M, Sproll C, Lommen J,et al. Trajectory-guided biopsy of orbital tumor - Technology,principal considerations and clinical implementation -[J].Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018:S1687101947.

    [7] Ginderdeuren RV,Sciot R, Mombaerts I. Orbital tumor associ ated with a microphthalmic eye and colobomatous cleft: Pilocytic astrocytoma (glioma) or massive retinal gliosis[J]. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology, 2018,32(1).
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    [8] Heisel C,Zacks DN,Kahana A. Persistent macular puckering following excision of causative orbital tumor[J].American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 2018,10:196-197.

    [9] Nasr HE,Nouh MA,Ahmed R A, et al. Orbital melanocytoma: When a tumor becomes a relieving surprise[J].Am J Ophtha lmol Case Rep, 2018,10:124-127.

    [10] Keren S, Dotan G, Ben-Cnaan R, et al. A combined one-stage surgical approach of orbital tumor debulking, lid reconstruction and ptosis repair in children with orbito-temporal Neurofibromatosis[J].Journal of Plastic, Reconst ructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2017,70(3):336-340.

    [11] Pausch PNC, Sterker I,Bauer U.Maligner intraorbitaler Tumor:Primum oder Metastase[J].HNO,2016,64(4):262-264., 百拇医药(李昆临)
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