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(收稿日期:2019-09-27), 百拇医药(陈玲炫 黄东梅)
[4] 胡庆娟.老年髋部骨折患者40例护理中实施精细化护理的效果观察[J].中国妇幼健康研究,2017,28(S3):587-588.
[5] Buecking B, J Struewer, A Waldermann, et al. What determines health-related quality of life in hip fracture patients at the end of acute care?—a prospective observa tional study[J].Osteoporosis International,2014,25(2):475-484.
[6] 胡志芬,陽燕妮,卢卫忠.老年髋部骨折患者围手术期深静脉血栓预防及护理对策[J].中国中医急症,2017,26(7):1312-1314.
[7] 刘亚丽,张利军.穴位帖敷联合艾灸预防前列腺增生术后尿潴留的效果[J].山西中医,2019,35(7):61-62.
[8] Flikweert ER, Izaks GJ, Knobben BA,et al. The development of a comprehensive multidisciplinary care pathway for patients with a hip fracture: design and results of a clinical trial[J]. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2014, 15(1):1-8.
[9] 宋云娅,吴秋萍,李萍,等.3H护理模式对老年髋部骨折患者术后康复和自我效能的影响[J].西部中医药,2014,27(9):151-153.
(收稿日期:2019-09-27), 百拇医药(陈玲炫 黄东梅)