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[4]SzelenbergerW£¬NiemcewiczS£¬DabrowskaAJ.Sleepwalking and night terrors£º psychopathologicalcorrelates .IntRev Psychiatry£¬2005£¬17£º263-270.
[5]Giglio P£¬ Undevia N£¬ Spire JP . The primary parasomnias£º a review for neurologists . Neurologist£¬ 2005£¬11£º90-97 .
[6]Hilbert J £¬ Mohsenin V. Can periodic limb movement disorder be diagnosed without polysomnography a case-control study . Sleep Med £¬2003£¬4£º35-41.
[8]Winkelman J £¬ Pies R. Current patterns and future directions in the t reatment of insomnia [ J ] . Ann Clin Psychiat ry £¬ 2005 £¬17 £º 31240.
[9]Espie CA £¬ Inglis SJ £¬ Tessier S £¬ et al . The clinical effectivenessof cognitive behaviour t herapy for chronic insomnia£º imple2mentation and evaluation of a sleep clinic in general medicalpractice[J ] . Behav Res Ther £¬ 2001 £¬ 39 £º 45260.
[10]Smit h MT £¬ Huang MI £¬ Manber R. Cognitive behavior t herapy for chronic insomnia occurring wit hin t he context of medical and psychiat ric disorders [ J ] . Clin Psychol Rev £¬ 2005 £¬ 25 £º5592592.
[11]Wang MY£¬ Wang SY£¬ Tsai PS. Cognitive behavioural t herapy for primary insomnia £º a systematic review [ J ] . J Adv Nurs £¬2005 £¬ 50 £º 5532564.
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