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[摘要] 目的:探讨血清S-100蛋白变化与新生儿围生期脑损伤预后的关系,为早期预测新生儿围生期脑损伤预后和早期干预及治疗提供依据。方法:选择40例围生期脑损伤新生儿为研究组,选择20例同期出生的正常新生儿为对照组。两组均于生后48~72 h进行血样采集,采用ELISA法测定血S-100水平,以盖塞尔量表定期追踪两组发育情况。结果:研究组血S-100蛋白水平高于对照组 [(1.55±0.79) μg/L vs (0.62±0.46) μg/L,t=4.89,P<0.01] ,盖塞尔量表评价两组发育情况,两组间平均发育商比较显示3月龄始研究组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义。结论:测定血S-100蛋白变化对早期预测围生期脑损伤儿预后有较高的价值。
[关键词] 新生儿;围生期脑损伤;S-100蛋白;预后;早期预测
[中图分类号] R714.7 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-4721(2010)06(c)-011-03
The value of serum S-100 protein in early forecasting the prognosis of brain injury in perinatal stage
WANG Desheng1, LI Wei1, CHEN Jiuhao1, ZHENG Jinglei2, HUANG Bozhi1, CHEN Weijing1, LAI Lizhi1
(1.Department of Neonatus, Taiping People's Hospital of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan 523900, China;2.Department of Surgery,the People's Hospital of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan523018, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To explore the correlationship of the change of blood serum S-100 protein with the prognosis of perinatalbrain damage, so as to provides the theory data for the promptly forecasting and early intervention for the brain damage of perinatal stage. Methods: 40 cases of newborns with perinatal brain damage were selected as the study group,and 20 cases of normal newborns in same period were selected as the control group. In the 48-72 hours after birth, blood samples were sampled in both groups. The Serum S-100 protein level of both groups were detected by ELISA. The physical, neurological conditions and intelligence test of the both groups were studied by Gesell Development Scale regularly. Results: The serum S-100 protein level were higher in the study group than the control group[(1.55±0.79) μg/L vs (0.62±0.46) μg/L,t=4.89, P<0.01]. The average marks of development quotient were lowered in the study group than the control group after 3 months old of the children, and the difference between the two groups were significant. Conclusion: The serum S-100 protein could be used as a promising index in early forecasting of the prognosis of brain injury in perinatal stage ......