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[摘要] 目的:探讨应用亚低温治疗脑干出血的效果。方法:回顾性分析近5年来50例脑干出血中25例使用亚低温治疗的疗效。将50例患者分为治疗组25例和对照组25例,治疗组在药物治疗的基础上加用亚低温治疗,对照组为单纯药物综合治疗,分别在开始治疗前及2周后分别进行神经功能缺损评分。治疗前、治疗后7 d及14 d进行Glasgow(Gcs)昏迷评分。结果:亚低温治疗组神经功能缺损程度评分明显低于常规对照组(P<0.05)。使用Glasgow昏迷评分观察意识障碍的恢复情况。结论:亚低温治疗脑干出血,能降低神经功能缺损程度,明显改善患者的神经功能及预后,安全性高,操作简单易行。
[关键词] 亚低温;脑干出血;临床分析
[中图分类号] R743.34 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2010)11(b)-047-02
Hypothermia treatment of brain stem hemorrhage
XU Hong, YU Jiangang, ZHENG Peng, YANG Wei, TAO Chunmu
(Department of Neurology, the People′s Hospital of Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Jingjiang 214500, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the treatment of mild hypothermia effect of brain stem hemorrhage. Methods: A retrospective analyzed of 50 cases of the past 5 years, 25 patients with brain stem hemorrhage in the efficacy of mild hypothermia therapy. 50 patients were divided into treatment and control group 25 patients, 25 cases of drug therapy in the treatment group based on the use of mild hypothermia in the control group drug therapy alone, respectively, before the start of treatment and 2 weeks after nerve respectively impairment score. Before treatment, 7 day and 14 day for Glasgow(Gcs) coma score. Results: Mild hypothermia treatment group, neurological deficit scores were significantly lower than the conventional control group(P<0.05). Observed using the Glasgow coma scale recovery of consciousness. Conclusion: Mild hypothermia treatment of brain stem hemorrhage, can reduce the degree of neurological deficits, significantly improve the neurological function and prognosis of patients, safe and easy operation.
[Key words] Hypothermia; Brainstem hemorrhage; Clinical analysis
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选择2005年以来住院的急性脑干出血患者共50例,符合1995年全国第四届脑血管学术会议通过的急性脑卒中标准[1],并经头颅CT或MRI确诊,无脑疝形成及严重的心、肝、肾等疾患,Glasgow评分3~8分。入院后3 d内死亡的病例不入选。随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组25例,男14例,女11例,年龄45~70岁,平均62.3岁。对照组25例,男15例,女10例,年龄46~73岁,平均63.1岁。两组患者的年龄、性别、发病及治疗时间、疾病严重程度经统计学分析,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 方法
治疗组:均与入院后3 h内行亚低温治疗,连续监测血压、呼吸、心率、血氧饱和度。对其中5例深昏迷患者行气管切开,4例患者因躁动明显,予选用冬眠合剂,部分选用气管插管及呼吸机辅助呼吸。使用珠海市和桂医疗设备有限公司生产的HGT-200Ⅲ亚低温治疗仪,使用冰帽及冰毯及血管外治疗(冬眠合剂:0 ......