[摘要] 许多中药具有清热解毒、抑菌的作用,化学成分相当复杂,在治疗疾病方面发挥着极其重要的作用。中西药联用是我国用药的优势和特点,合理应用能起到药物应用的取长补短、提高疗效,产生协同增效作用。但两类不同属性药品的使用也会产生不合理用药的现象。本文通过分析中西药的不合理联用以期在临床用药中提高重视性。[关键词] 中药;西药;配伍禁忌;不合理联用
[中图分类号] R28 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1674-4721(2011)03(b)-096-02
Chinese and Western medicine combined with the performance and unreasonable analysis
MCH of Loudi City, Hunan Province,Loudi417000, China
[Abstract] Many traditional Chinese medicine with detoxification, antibacterial effect, chemical composition of a complex in the treatment of diseases play an extremely important role. Western medicine combined with the advantages of China and characteristics of drugs, rational use of drug application can play each other, improve efficacy, synergy. However, the use of two different types of property will produce drugs phenomenon of irrational use of drugs. This paper analyzes the Chinese and Western medicine together for an unreasonable period of increased importance in clinical drug resistance. ......
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