[摘要] 目的:分析采用闭合复位外固定架治疗小儿肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折的临床疗效。方法:本科2006年1月~2009年12月采用闭合复位外固定架治疗小儿肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折21例,所有骨折均为闭合性骨折,无神经血管损伤。患者年龄4~11岁,平均7.8岁。从肘关节的功能和外观两方面进行疗效评价。结果:术后随访时间为6~10个月,平均8个月。所有骨折均为术后3~5周达到临床愈合,去除外固定架,治疗过程中未出现骨折再移位,术后1例肘内翻并发症。按Flynm评分:优19例,良1例,一般1例,差0例。肘关节伸屈活动丢失是影响治疗结果的主要原因,但这种活动受限会随着时间的延长而有所改善。结论:采用闭合复位经外固定架治疗儿童肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折手术创伤小,固定可靠,可以获得良好的肘关节功能和外形,减少并发症。
[关键词] 肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折;闭合复位;外固定架;小儿
[中图分类号] R274.11 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1674-4721(2011)04(b)-168-02
, http://www.100md.com
External fixation children humerus condylar on a commimuted fracture
YIN Wanle, MA Lige,SONG Wenchao
Department of Trauma Orthopaedic, Zhengzhou People's Hospital of Henan, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450003 , China
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze closed reduction fixation children humerus outside a commimuted fracture condylar. Methods: From January 2006 to December 2009 our hospital adopted closed reduction fixation children humerus outside on a commimuted fracture condylar fractures 21 cases, all were closed fractures, without neurological vascular injury. Patients aged 4-11 years, mean 7.8 years old. Assessed effect from elbow function and appearance. Results: Patients were followed up 6-10 months, the average was 8 months. All fractures were after 3 to 5 weeks to clinical healing, except to fixed frame, treatment process did not appear fractures and shift, 1 case of postoperative complications such as elbow turn inward. According to Flynm rating: 19 cases were excellent, 1 case with good, 1 case with the general, none bad. Elbow flex activities affect treatment results of lost was main reason, but this restricted movement would with the extension of time and improve. Conclusion: The closed reduction by external fixation children humerus condylar on a commimuted fracture surgical trauma is small, reliable, it can obtain good fixed the elbow function and appearance, to reduce the complications.
, 百拇医药
[Key words] Condylar on a commimuted fracture; Closed reduction; External fixation; Pediatric
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
本组21例患者中,男13例,女8例,左侧10例,右侧11例,年龄4~11岁,平均7.8岁,按照胥少汀等[1]分类方法分为:伸展型10例,尺偏型4例,桡偏型4例,屈曲型3例,伤后就诊时间30 min~2 h。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2 治疗方法
采用全身麻醉,患儿取仰卧位,患肢外展,常规消毒,铺无菌巾。牵引下屈曲肘关节,有侧方移位先纠正侧方移位,再纠正前后移位,在C臂透视下行手法复位,观察正侧位复位满意后,维持牵引并屈肘曲90°,单侧多功能外固定架固定,置于上臂外侧,2枚皮质骨螺钉置于肱骨骨折近端(距离骨折端2~4 cm),避开桡神经,2枚皮质骨螺钉置于桡骨中段,钻孔后拧螺丝钉时用配套软组织保护筒,以防神经血管损伤,远端2枚皮质骨螺钉置于桡骨中段外侧。如手法复位困难,均采用改良的肱骨后正中切口,于肱三头肌外侧头和长头之间肌间隙进入,正中切开内侧头肌纤维直达骨膜,骨膜下适当剥离显露肱骨干,骨折块复位以有限克氏针(1.5 mm或1.0 mm)固定,使之成为一体,然后单侧多功能外固定架固定。术后适当患肢肌肉共能锻炼,3~5周后复查X线片,去除克氏针及外固定架,主动肘关节功能练习。
2 结果
, 百拇医药
3 讨论
儿童肱骨髁上骨折如处理不及时或早期处理不当可导致骨筋膜室综合征,必须及时急诊处理,特别是对于严重型(Gartland Ⅲ型)的肱骨髁上骨折,及时科学的治疗效果显著[3]。 针对Gartland Ⅲ型骨折的治疗,经皮行克氏针固定,避免了骨折端再移位,对肘关节结构的医源性影响小,术后固定肘关节于屈肘70°~90°[4],实现了维持骨折复位后的稳定。但对于严重的肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折仅应用克氏针内固定很难达到有效维持骨折稳定[5],因此笔者应用单侧多功能外固定架,必要时加有限克氏针固定,治疗小儿肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折,避免了畸形愈合,减少了血管神经损伤,取得了满意疗效[6]。综上所述,外固定架治疗小儿肱骨远端粉碎性骨折效果显著,方法可靠。
, 百拇医药 [参考文献]
[2]Brubucher JW,Dodds SD.Pddiatric supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus[J].Carr Rev Musculoske Med,2008,1(3/4):190-196.
[3]Loizou CL,Simillis C,Hutchinson JR.Asystematic review of early versus delayed treatment for tupe Ⅲ supracondular humeral fractures in children Injury[J].2009,40(3):245-248.
[4]Kaiser MM,Kamphaus A,Massalme E,et al.Percutaneous closed pin fixation of supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus in children[J].Oper Othop Traumatol,2008,20(4/5):297-309.
(收稿日期:2011-01-24), 百拇医药(尹万乐,马利阁,宋文超)
[关键词] 肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折;闭合复位;外固定架;小儿
[中图分类号] R274.11 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1674-4721(2011)04(b)-168-02
, http://www.100md.com
External fixation children humerus condylar on a commimuted fracture
YIN Wanle, MA Lige,SONG Wenchao
Department of Trauma Orthopaedic, Zhengzhou People's Hospital of Henan, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450003 , China
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze closed reduction fixation children humerus outside a commimuted fracture condylar. Methods: From January 2006 to December 2009 our hospital adopted closed reduction fixation children humerus outside on a commimuted fracture condylar fractures 21 cases, all were closed fractures, without neurological vascular injury. Patients aged 4-11 years, mean 7.8 years old. Assessed effect from elbow function and appearance. Results: Patients were followed up 6-10 months, the average was 8 months. All fractures were after 3 to 5 weeks to clinical healing, except to fixed frame, treatment process did not appear fractures and shift, 1 case of postoperative complications such as elbow turn inward. According to Flynm rating: 19 cases were excellent, 1 case with good, 1 case with the general, none bad. Elbow flex activities affect treatment results of lost was main reason, but this restricted movement would with the extension of time and improve. Conclusion: The closed reduction by external fixation children humerus condylar on a commimuted fracture surgical trauma is small, reliable, it can obtain good fixed the elbow function and appearance, to reduce the complications.
, 百拇医药
[Key words] Condylar on a commimuted fracture; Closed reduction; External fixation; Pediatric
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
本组21例患者中,男13例,女8例,左侧10例,右侧11例,年龄4~11岁,平均7.8岁,按照胥少汀等[1]分类方法分为:伸展型10例,尺偏型4例,桡偏型4例,屈曲型3例,伤后就诊时间30 min~2 h。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2 治疗方法
采用全身麻醉,患儿取仰卧位,患肢外展,常规消毒,铺无菌巾。牵引下屈曲肘关节,有侧方移位先纠正侧方移位,再纠正前后移位,在C臂透视下行手法复位,观察正侧位复位满意后,维持牵引并屈肘曲90°,单侧多功能外固定架固定,置于上臂外侧,2枚皮质骨螺钉置于肱骨骨折近端(距离骨折端2~4 cm),避开桡神经,2枚皮质骨螺钉置于桡骨中段,钻孔后拧螺丝钉时用配套软组织保护筒,以防神经血管损伤,远端2枚皮质骨螺钉置于桡骨中段外侧。如手法复位困难,均采用改良的肱骨后正中切口,于肱三头肌外侧头和长头之间肌间隙进入,正中切开内侧头肌纤维直达骨膜,骨膜下适当剥离显露肱骨干,骨折块复位以有限克氏针(1.5 mm或1.0 mm)固定,使之成为一体,然后单侧多功能外固定架固定。术后适当患肢肌肉共能锻炼,3~5周后复查X线片,去除克氏针及外固定架,主动肘关节功能练习。
2 结果
, 百拇医药
3 讨论
儿童肱骨髁上骨折如处理不及时或早期处理不当可导致骨筋膜室综合征,必须及时急诊处理,特别是对于严重型(Gartland Ⅲ型)的肱骨髁上骨折,及时科学的治疗效果显著[3]。 针对Gartland Ⅲ型骨折的治疗,经皮行克氏针固定,避免了骨折端再移位,对肘关节结构的医源性影响小,术后固定肘关节于屈肘70°~90°[4],实现了维持骨折复位后的稳定。但对于严重的肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折仅应用克氏针内固定很难达到有效维持骨折稳定[5],因此笔者应用单侧多功能外固定架,必要时加有限克氏针固定,治疗小儿肱骨髁上粉碎性骨折,避免了畸形愈合,减少了血管神经损伤,取得了满意疗效[6]。综上所述,外固定架治疗小儿肱骨远端粉碎性骨折效果显著,方法可靠。
, 百拇医药 [参考文献]
[2]Brubucher JW,Dodds SD.Pddiatric supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus[J].Carr Rev Musculoske Med,2008,1(3/4):190-196.
[3]Loizou CL,Simillis C,Hutchinson JR.Asystematic review of early versus delayed treatment for tupe Ⅲ supracondular humeral fractures in children Injury[J].2009,40(3):245-248.
[4]Kaiser MM,Kamphaus A,Massalme E,et al.Percutaneous closed pin fixation of supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus in children[J].Oper Othop Traumatol,2008,20(4/5):297-309.
(收稿日期:2011-01-24), 百拇医药(尹万乐,马利阁,宋文超)