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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月15日 钟新锋 王旭东 陈书桂 刘建军


     [摘要] 目的:了解当前监狱系统职工脂肪性肝病(FLD)流行病学与探讨其专业的防治策略。方法:采用整群抽样的方法,明确对象为广东省某监狱参加年度健康体检并同时完成BP、BU、FBG、TG、TC、LDL-C、HDL-C与UA的职工及其全部体检项目资料,进行FLD流行病学分析。结果:①FLD DR为13.7%;男高于女(P=0.006),≥45岁者高于<45岁者(P=0.000);30~44岁(男高于女,P=0.001)或45~59岁者(性别间无差异)均高于15~29岁者(P=0.037或0.013),而其他性别间均无差异;②在没有考虑超重和(或)肥胖的成分下,SFLD不多(DR为5.7%),而CFLD比较常见,尤其是FLD+血脂异常(性别间与年龄间均无差异)与FLD+血脂异常+高尿酸(男高于女,P=0.000;年龄间无差异),DR、CR分别为4.8%、35.3%与4.6%、33.7%,均高于其他FLD合并多元代谢紊乱(P=0.000)。结论:当前广东省监狱系统职工FLD不容忽视,在制定专业的防治策略时应以中老年男性为主, 把30~44岁与45~59岁列为重点人群,对该人群无论男女都应关注;还应干预其合并多元代谢紊乱,特别是FLD+血脂异常与FLD+血脂异常+高尿酸。

    [关键词] 监狱;脂肪性肝病;代谢综合征;患病率;流行病学

    [中图分类号] R575 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1674-4721(2011)04(b)-132-03

    Epidemic analyses on the fatty liver disease about the present staffs in prison′s system

    ZHONG Xinfeng1, WANG Xudong1, CHEN Shugui1, LIU Jianjun2

    1.The Judiciary Constabulary Hospital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510435, China; 2.The Yangjiang Prison′s Hospital of Guangdong Province, Yangjiang 529935, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To understand epidemiology about the FLD of the present staffs in prison′s system and to investigate their professional healthy strategy. Methods: Using cluster sampling, to determine investigative objects being the staffs finished annual healthy examination and simultaneously completed BP, BU, FBG, TG, TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and UA of a prison of Guangdong Province and their information, and to analyze their epidemiology about the FLD. Results: ①The FLD′s DR was 13.7%; M. being more than F. (P=0.006), and ≥45 years being more than <45 years (P=0.000); 30 to 44 years (M. being more than F., P=0.001) or 45 to 59 years (no statistics significance in gender) also being more than 15 to 29 years (P=0.037 or 0.013), but else age no statistics significance in gender; ②Without taking into account overweight and (or) obesity, the SFLD was few (DR was 5 ......
