[摘要] 库欣综合征是由肾上腺分泌过多糖皮质激素所致的一种疾病,如果得不到及时的诊断、治疗将会给患者带来严重的危害。约80%的患者有高血压,其诊断也多种多样,但有些检查在临床实施中会受到一定的限制,本文就库欣综合征的一些最新研究进行综述,为临床诊断及治疗提供一定帮助。[关键词] 库欣综合征;诊断;糖皮质激素;治疗
[中图分类号] R586.2[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-4721(2011)06(a)-021-02
The research progress of Cushing's syndrome
MA Huidong, LI Ziyan
ThePeople's Hospital of Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Wuhai 016000, China
[Abstract] Cushing's syndrome is excessive secretion by the adrenal glucocorticoids induced by a disease, if not timely diagnosis and treatment will result in serious harm to patients. About 80% of patients with hypertension, the diagnosis also varied, but some items in the clinical implementation of inspection are subject to certain limitations, this article on Cushing's syndrome were reviewed some of the latest research for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of some help.
[Key words] Cushing's syndrome; Diagnosis; Glucocorticoid; Treatment
库欣综合征(Cushing's syndrome)又称皮质醇增多症(hvpercortisolism)或柯兴综合征 ......
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