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[摘要] 目的:对本院收治的葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,以期为临床治疗该病提供可靠依据。方法:将2007年2月~2010年11月来本院住院的40例葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征(SSSS)患者随机分为两组,即治疗组和对照组,每组20例,对照组采用苯唑西林钠静脉滴注,治疗组在对照组的基础上联合地塞米松静脉滴注,连用5 d,逐渐减量至停药,比较两组患者的触痛消失时间、皮肤松解时间及出院时间。结果:观察组患者的触痛消失时间为(3.73±2.08) d,皮肤松解时间为(4.87±2.12) d,出院时间为(9.45±7.13) d均少于对照组,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:苯唑西林钠联合地塞米松治疗葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征具有较好的疗效,无明显不良反应,值得临床推广使用。
[关键词] 葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征;苯唑西林钠;地塞米松;临床疗效
[中图分类号] R751 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)06(a)-039-02
Staphylococcus sex scald the clinical curative effect of sample skin syndrome analysis
DUO Shouyuan
Medical Group in Dehong Prefecture Outpatient Department Skin Venereal Room of Yunnan province, Dehong Prefecture 678400, China
[Abstract] Objective: To retrospectively staphylococcus our sexual scald skin syndrome sample analyzed retrospectively, so as to provide reliable basis for clinical treatment of the disease. Methods: The February 2007 to November 2010 in our hospital in 40 cases staphylococcus sex scald skin syndrome (sample SSSS) patients were randomly divided into two groups, indicating that the treatment group and control group, each group of 20 cases and control adopts benzene furbenicillin sodium triazoles intravenous injection in the control group, the treatment group based on joint dexamethasone intravenous drip, repeat, gradually reducing 5 days withdrawal, compared to two sets of patients disappear time, skin tenderness over time and discharge time pine solution. Results: The patients of the tenderness disappear time (3.73±2.08) days, skin and release time (4.87±2.12) days, discharge time was (9.45±7.13) days less than the control group, the difference with the control group statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Dexamethasone sodium oxacillin treatment of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome with good effect, no significant adverse reactions, is worthy of clinical use.
[Key words] Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome; Oxacillin sodium; Dexamethasone; Clinical efficacy
葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征(staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,SSSS)是全身泛红性红斑、松弛性大疱、大片表皮剥脱呈烫伤样为特征的急性皮肤病 ......