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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月25日 张炳诚


     [摘要] 目的:探讨在血液透析间期发生急性左心功能衰竭的原因,并对临床治疗加以分析。方法:2009~2010年在本院就诊的慢性肾功能衰竭患者中,选取透析期间出现急性左心功能衰竭的30例患者,回顾性分析其临床表现和采取的相应治疗措施。结果:选取的30例患者在临床中均出现急性左心功能衰竭症状,通过紧急采取血液透析,并配合使用具有扩张血管及强心功效的药物,患者均脱离危险。结论:充分了解血液透析间期急性左心功能衰竭的常见临床表现及其产生原因对及时采取进行诊治意义重大,在临床治疗中要注意把握影响疗效的重点环节和预防急性左心功能衰竭发生的方法。

    [关键词] 血液透析;急性左心功能衰竭;原因;预防

    [中图分类号] R541.6 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)07(c)-053-02

    Clinical analysis of hemodialysis in acute left heart failure

    ZHANG Bingcheng

    Guiyang County People′s Hospital of Hunan Province, Guiyang 424400, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the hemodialysis of acute left ventricular failure causes, and clinical analysis. Methods: From 2009 to 2010 in our hospital in patients with chronic renal failure, dialysis selected during acute left heart failure in 30 patients and retrospective analyzed of clinical presentation and took the appropriate therapeutic measures. Results: The selected 30 patients were in clinical acute left heart failure symptoms, through urgent hemodialysis, and used in conjunction with the expansion of vascular and cardiac effects of the drug, the patients were out of danger. Conclusion: The understanding of the blood between dialysis patients with acute left ventricular failure of common clinical manifestations and causes of timely diagnosis and treatment is of great significance in the clinical treatment, we should pay attention to the key areas affecting the efficacy and prevention of acute left ventricular failure occurred method.

    [Key words] Hemodialysis; Acute left ventricular failure; Reasons; Prevention


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料


    1.2 临床表现

    患者急性左心功能衰竭症状的临床表现主要有面色苍白、心率增快、呼吸困难、心悸、肺部湿性啰音以及端坐呼吸等。心电图提示T波倒置、ST段下降者2例,出现急性肺水肿症状者6例,出现高血压症状者9例,频繁咳嗽、痰中带有粉红色泡沫以及肺部满布哮鸣音的急性肺水肿5例,血清肌酐处于950~1 200 μmol/L者15例,大于1 200 μmol/L者3例,有左心室扩大症状者2例,体重增加(与最近一次超滤脱水后体重相比)超过3 kg者1例。

    1.3 方法

    本院实施的血液透析,采取的是容量超滤控制系统,以三醋酸纤维素膜或聚矾膜透析器进行碳酸氢盐透析,本院所用血透机为日本产Toray-321以及Nipro NCU-10E。采取动静脉直接穿刺或是动静脉内瘘方式,透析液流量每秒钟500 ml ......
