[摘要] 本文介绍了色谱法在中药指纹图谱研究中的应用,并对高效液相色谱法和气相色谱法在构建中药指纹图谱中优势作以介绍,综述了近年此3种方法的应用进展,并介绍了中药指纹图谱在2010版《中国药典》中的应用情况。[关键词] 指纹图谱;色谱;中药;中国药典
[中图分类号] R286 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(a)-016-02
Application of chromatography in the study on traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint
CAO Ling, WANG Zhigang, WANG Lianzhi
College of Pharmacy of Heilongjiang Chinese Medicine University in Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China
[Abstract] Application of chromatography in the study on TCM fingerprint was reviewed. The advantage and latest usage of HPLC and GC on construction of TCM fingerprint together with its application in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2010) were also introduced.
[Key words] Fingerprint; Chromatography; Traditional Chinese medicine; Chinese pharmacopeia
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