[摘要] 本文简要介绍医学伦理与医疗卫生工作,特别是老龄保健事业之间的紧密联系,指出医学伦理要求医务人员在医疗实践中应遵循的三个基本原则。医务人员应将患者的利益放在首位,处理好医患关系。由于我国人口众多,加之年龄日益老化,进入新世纪后,繁重的老龄保健事业对医疗卫生工作提出更高要求,同时也使医学伦理面临新的挑战和机遇。[关键词] 医学伦理;患者利益;医务人员;老龄事业
[中图分类号] R-052 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(a)-167-03
Medical ethics and elderly care business
Beijing University Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen 518036, China
[Abstract] This article gives a brief introduction to the close connection between medical ethics and medical health work, especially that for the old people, pointing out the three basic principles which medical workers should observe in their medical practice. Medical workers should put the patients′ interests in the first place and establish a good doctor-patient relationship. Since China has an enormous population in which the percentage of aging people increases incessantly, the heavy aged undertakings in the new century put forward higher requirements for the medical and health work and, at the same time, make medical ethics face new challenges and opportunities. ......
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