[摘要] 目的:探讨SCT薄层观察平扫及增强图像观察颈部淋巴结对甲状腺癌的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析45例经MSCT平扫及增强检查且手术病理证实为良、恶性占位者的颈部淋巴结CT表现,总结淋巴结大小、位置、形态,强化情况与甲状腺癌的相关性。结果:45例中37例发现淋巴结增大,占82%。其中,甲状腺癌92%(12/13);甲状腺腺瘤79%(15/19);结节性甲状腺增生75%(9/12),转移瘤100%(1/1)。结论:甲状腺癌常伴淋巴结转移,MSCT薄层观察平扫及增强图像,能更好发现颈部淋巴结、显示其边缘及内部结构,对甲状腺癌的诊断及手术治疗提供有价值的帮助。
[关键词] 甲状腺癌;颈部淋巴结;多层螺旋CT;薄层观察
[中图分类号] R736.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-096-02
The value of multi-slice spiral CT thin-slice observation of cervical lymph node in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer
, 百拇医药
CHEN Hai, YANG Dongsheng, SUN Dawei
Department of Radiology, the First People's Hospital of Jinzhou District in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Dalian 116100, China
[Abstract] Objective: To study the valuation of multi-slice spiral CT thin-slice plain scan and enhance image observation of cervical lymph node used in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Methods: CT manifestations of cervical lymph node of 45 cases who were diagnosed with benign and m alignant spaceoccupyinglesion by MACT plain scan, enhance inspection and pathological examination were analyzed retrospectively. The relativity between size, location, form, enhance condition of lymph nodes and thyroid cancer was summarized. Results: Thirty-seven cases (82%) were found lymph node enlargement, among them, the thyroid cancer accounted for 92%(12/13), thyroid adenoma accounted for 79%(15/19), nodules thyroid hyperplasia accounted for 75%(9/12), metastases accounted for 100%(1/1). Conclusion: Thyroid cancer often accompanies with lymph node metastasis. MSCT thin-slice plain scan and enhance image can find cervical lymph nodes easily and show the edge and internal structure effectively, which can provide the valuable help for thyroid cancer diagnosis and surgical treatment.
, 百拇医药
[Key words] Thyroid cancer; Cervical lymph node; Multi-slice spiral CT; Thin-slice observation
颈部淋巴结引流丰富,全身约800枚淋巴结,其中约300枚位于颈部[1-2],头颈部各种原发肿瘤好发颈部淋巴结转移,而甲状腺癌是颈部常见恶性肿瘤之一。多层螺旋CT(MSCT)薄层观察可以减少容积效应对病变的影响,对发现小淋巴结(≤5 mm)、显示淋巴结边缘及内部结构明显优于常规层厚图像,对于病变性质的判断有很大帮助。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 检查方法
所有患者术前经MSCT平扫及增强检查,机器型号Bright speed Elite,扫描范围从胸骨柄至颅底,层厚、层距均为3.75 mm,观察病变时用层厚0.625 mm。增强检查所用对比试剂为碘帕醇(300 mgI/ml),用高压注射器经肘静脉注射,注射速率为3 ml/s。采用造影剂跟踪扫描,以主动脉弓降部为监测点,监测阈值设为100 HU,动脉期扫描结束后30 s开始静脉期扫描。颈淋巴结分区按国际通用的七分区法。淋巴结增强后的CT值与其平扫的CT值之差为参考值,将颈部转移淋巴结强化程度分为:轻度(<20 HU),中度(21~40 HU)和重度(>40 HU)[3]。
2 结果
2.1 诊断结果
, 百拇医药
2.2 甲状腺癌CT特点
13例甲状腺癌病理诊断7例乳头状腺癌,4例滤泡状腺癌,2例未分化癌。12例可见颈部淋巴结肿大;1例无淋巴结肿大。淋巴结大小5~39 mm,平均12.7 mm。淋巴结可见有囊性变及囊壁内重度强化的乳头状结节,其中2例平扫时为囊性变,无壁结节,增强后及多平面重组发现小的重度强化的壁上结节(本组病例此种表现仅见于甲状腺乳头状癌)。同侧转移11例,双侧转移1例。转移淋巴结分布为Ⅱ区2例,Ⅲ区7例,Ⅳ区5例,Ⅴ区3例,Ⅵ区和咽后组各2例。转移淋巴结边缘清晰10例,边缘模糊2例;增强后11例表现明显不均匀强化,其中4例呈血管样强化、1例呈中度强化。
19例甲状腺腺瘤中15例颈部有淋巴结影。呈卵圆形或肾形,部分淋巴结中心为低密度,边界清楚。术后证实为正常或反应性淋巴结肿大。短径均<8 mm,最小≤3 mm。增强后动脉期无明显强化,静脉期轻、中度均匀强化;分布无特异性规律。
2.4 结节性甲状腺增生CT特点
12例结节性甲状腺增生中9例颈部可见有淋巴结影。淋巴结表现同甲状腺腺瘤。, 百拇医药(陈海,杨东升,孙大巍)
[关键词] 甲状腺癌;颈部淋巴结;多层螺旋CT;薄层观察
[中图分类号] R736.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-096-02
The value of multi-slice spiral CT thin-slice observation of cervical lymph node in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer
, 百拇医药
CHEN Hai, YANG Dongsheng, SUN Dawei
Department of Radiology, the First People's Hospital of Jinzhou District in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Dalian 116100, China
[Abstract] Objective: To study the valuation of multi-slice spiral CT thin-slice plain scan and enhance image observation of cervical lymph node used in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Methods: CT manifestations of cervical lymph node of 45 cases who were diagnosed with benign and m alignant spaceoccupyinglesion by MACT plain scan, enhance inspection and pathological examination were analyzed retrospectively. The relativity between size, location, form, enhance condition of lymph nodes and thyroid cancer was summarized. Results: Thirty-seven cases (82%) were found lymph node enlargement, among them, the thyroid cancer accounted for 92%(12/13), thyroid adenoma accounted for 79%(15/19), nodules thyroid hyperplasia accounted for 75%(9/12), metastases accounted for 100%(1/1). Conclusion: Thyroid cancer often accompanies with lymph node metastasis. MSCT thin-slice plain scan and enhance image can find cervical lymph nodes easily and show the edge and internal structure effectively, which can provide the valuable help for thyroid cancer diagnosis and surgical treatment.
, 百拇医药
[Key words] Thyroid cancer; Cervical lymph node; Multi-slice spiral CT; Thin-slice observation
颈部淋巴结引流丰富,全身约800枚淋巴结,其中约300枚位于颈部[1-2],头颈部各种原发肿瘤好发颈部淋巴结转移,而甲状腺癌是颈部常见恶性肿瘤之一。多层螺旋CT(MSCT)薄层观察可以减少容积效应对病变的影响,对发现小淋巴结(≤5 mm)、显示淋巴结边缘及内部结构明显优于常规层厚图像,对于病变性质的判断有很大帮助。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 检查方法
所有患者术前经MSCT平扫及增强检查,机器型号Bright speed Elite,扫描范围从胸骨柄至颅底,层厚、层距均为3.75 mm,观察病变时用层厚0.625 mm。增强检查所用对比试剂为碘帕醇(300 mgI/ml),用高压注射器经肘静脉注射,注射速率为3 ml/s。采用造影剂跟踪扫描,以主动脉弓降部为监测点,监测阈值设为100 HU,动脉期扫描结束后30 s开始静脉期扫描。颈淋巴结分区按国际通用的七分区法。淋巴结增强后的CT值与其平扫的CT值之差为参考值,将颈部转移淋巴结强化程度分为:轻度(<20 HU),中度(21~40 HU)和重度(>40 HU)[3]。
2 结果
2.1 诊断结果
, 百拇医药
2.2 甲状腺癌CT特点
13例甲状腺癌病理诊断7例乳头状腺癌,4例滤泡状腺癌,2例未分化癌。12例可见颈部淋巴结肿大;1例无淋巴结肿大。淋巴结大小5~39 mm,平均12.7 mm。淋巴结可见有囊性变及囊壁内重度强化的乳头状结节,其中2例平扫时为囊性变,无壁结节,增强后及多平面重组发现小的重度强化的壁上结节(本组病例此种表现仅见于甲状腺乳头状癌)。同侧转移11例,双侧转移1例。转移淋巴结分布为Ⅱ区2例,Ⅲ区7例,Ⅳ区5例,Ⅴ区3例,Ⅵ区和咽后组各2例。转移淋巴结边缘清晰10例,边缘模糊2例;增强后11例表现明显不均匀强化,其中4例呈血管样强化、1例呈中度强化。
19例甲状腺腺瘤中15例颈部有淋巴结影。呈卵圆形或肾形,部分淋巴结中心为低密度,边界清楚。术后证实为正常或反应性淋巴结肿大。短径均<8 mm,最小≤3 mm。增强后动脉期无明显强化,静脉期轻、中度均匀强化;分布无特异性规律。
2.4 结节性甲状腺增生CT特点
12例结节性甲状腺增生中9例颈部可见有淋巴结影。淋巴结表现同甲状腺腺瘤。, 百拇医药(陈海,杨东升,孙大巍)