[摘要] 探讨临床药师参与药学服务的工作方式。通过药学查房等实践活动,深入临床科室,发挥药学特长,协助临床医生制定和调整药物治疗方案。同时了解药物应用情况,提供与药学相关的服务,以更好地开展合理用药工作,保证患者用药的安全有效。[关键词] 临床药师;药学服务;合理用药;实践
[中图分类号] R95 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-161-02
Practice and experience of pharmaceutical care of clinical pharmacists
ZHOU Jing, YU Hanyu
Pharmacy Department of the Central Hospital of Zhumadian City in Henan Province, Zhumadian 463000, China
[Abstract] To discuss the role of clinical pharmccist in pharmaceutical service mode. Through pharmacy rounds activities, clinical pharmacist go to clinical section, unleash their strong pharmacy suit, help clinician to formulate and revise medication plan. At the same time, clinical pharmacists need to understand the drug use and provide pharmaceutical services, to carry out the rational use of drug better, to ensure patients' safety and effectiveness of drugs.
[Key words] Clinical pharmacist; Pharmacy service; Rational use of drugs; Practice
以合理用药为核心内容的临床药学服务是医院药学发展和实践的重要组成部分 ......
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