[摘要] 疾病过程中不同致病微生物侵入人体,感染后导致各种疾病,尤其是传染力强的疾病与致病微生物污染物传播有关,医疗垃圾是它的传染源,所以对污染物管理显得十分重要。本文旨在探讨本院对医疗和疾病过程中产生的废弃物的处理方法。[关键词] 医疗;污染物;处置;管理
[中图分类号] R124.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-169-02
Health and disease dispose of pollutants generated in the process
The People's Hospital of Binchuan County, Yunnan Province, Binchuan 671600, China
[Abstract] Different pathogenic microorganisms invade the body in disease process, infection leads to various diseases, especially the highly infectious diseases are related with pathogenic microorganisms contaminants transmission, medical waste is its source of infection, so the management of the pollutants is very important. This paper is to explore the process of health care and disease treatment of waste generated.
[Key words] Medical treatment; Contamination infectant; Dispose; Management
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