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[摘要] 目的 探讨基于CT数据建立腹膜后腔个体化三维数字模型的方法及意义。 方法 获取46例泌尿外科肾上腺及上尿路疾病患者的腹部增强CT断层扫描图像原始数据(含动脉期、静脉期、延迟期),利用Mimics 10.01软件对病灶及其周围重要组织、器官进行图像分割、配准及三维重建,并与术中图像比较。 结果 成功建立腹膜后腔个体化三维数字模型,通过旋转、缩放、点距及角度测量等操作,可清晰、直观地单独或联合显示病灶与周围重要组织器官的空间位置及相互关系,与术中所见相符。 结论 基于增强CT数据,可逆向重建出以非骨性结构为主,兼具疾病分类特点及个体特征的腹膜后腔三维数字模型,将为肾区个体化手术方案的制定及生物力学研究提供形态学参考和模型基础。
[关键词] 增强CT;腹膜后腔;三维重建;数字模型;泌尿外科
[中图分类号] R445 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)03(c)-0015-03
Establishment of individualized three-dimensional digital models of retroperitoneal space on Enhanced-CT
ZHANG Bin1 WANG Dongwen2
Department of Urology, the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China
[Abstract] Objective To establish a series of individualized three-dimensional digital models of retroperitoneal space from Enhanced-CT images. Methods Based on Enhanced-CT scanning image data of 64-slice spiral CT in 46 cases of adrenal and upper urinary disease, the 3D models were reconstructed with Mimics software and compared with intraoperative screenshot. Results The 3D models, which were consistent with intraoperative screenshot, clearly displayed the individualized anatomical structure of the niduses and adjacent organs, such as skeletal system, abdominal aorta and branches, inferior vena cava and branches, kidneys, adrenal glands, renal pelvises, ureters etc. Conclusion Based on Enhanced-CT scanning image data, it is feasible that the individualized three-dimensional digital models of retroperitoneal space are reconstructed, and helpful for preoperative planning and biomechanics.
[Key words] Enhanced-CT; Retroperitoneal space; Three-dimensional reconstruction; Digitization; Visualization
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料与设备
符合DICOM协议的增强CT扫描数据。设备:64排螺旋CT(Light Speed VCT,美国GE公司)。造影剂:优维显300(德国先灵广州药业公司)。计算机硬件:英特尔Celeron(赛扬)540处理器,1GB内存,英特尔Mobile 965集成显卡;操作系统:Windows XP 专业版32位SP3 ......