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[摘要] 目的 探讨螺旋CT增强检查诊断急性胰腺炎的临床价值。 方法 回顾性分析临床及手术明确诊断47例急性胰腺炎患者的临床资料及螺旋CT影像表现。 结果 水肿型40例,坏死型5例,外伤型2例;胰腺体积呈弥漫性增大15例,局限性增大25例,体积无增大7例;假性囊肿2例。CT表现为肾前筋膜不同程度增厚,体积局部或弥漫增大,部分水肿型及坏死型急性胰腺炎平扫密度不均匀,增强后不均匀强化,部分患者合并胸腔及腹腔积液。 结论 多层螺旋CT检查,特别增强检查是诊断急性胰腺炎最简便、有效的方法,具有较高的临床应用价值。
[关键词] 急性胰腺炎;螺旋CT;增强检查;临床应用
[中图分类号] R445.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)03(c)-0082-02
Clinical application of CT enhanced scan in acute pancreatitis
LIN Xiaoqiang1 WANG Yuan2 YI Jianwei1 WEN Xinnian1
1.Department of Radiology, the Hospital of Liuzhou Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation, Liuzhou 545002, China; 2.Department of Surgical, the Hospital of Liuzhou Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation, Liuzhou 545002, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the diagnostic values of CT enhanced scan for acute pancreatitis. Methods Retrospective analysis of 47 patients proved by surgical pathology and clinic were examined by clinical data and CT inspection results. Results Among the 47 patients, there were 40 cases showed acute edematous pancreatitis, 5 cases showed necrosis of pancreas, and 2 cases showed traumatic pancreatitis. There were 15 patients whose volume of pancreas were diffuse enlargement, and 25 cases were localized enlargement, and 7 cases were normal; and 2 cases were pancreatic pseudocyst. The CT display that the prerenal fascia thickening, and different densities after enhancing. Also, some cases had pleural effusion and seroperitoneum. Conclusion Multislice helical CT, especially the enhanced scan is the most convenient and effective method for acute pancreatitis with high clinical value.
[Key words] Acute pancreatitis; Helical CT; Enhanced scan; Clinical application
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 检查方法
所有患者均采用美国GE ProSpeed Ⅱ型双排螺旋CT平扫及增强检查,从膈上5 mm开始扫描,直至胰腺全部显示完下5 mm为止,部分扫描至下腹及盆腔。扫描参数120 kV,200 mA,患者呈仰卧位扫描,扫描层厚5~10 mm,螺距1,矩阵512×512,视个体而定,部分患者局部3 mm薄层扫描。常规平扫后立即行双期增强,使用的国产非离子对比剂碘海醇注射液80~100 mL,通过肘静脉经高压注射器团注,注射速度为2.8~3.0 mL/s,注射对比剂25~28 s后开始作胰腺动脉期扫描,延迟60~70 s实质期扫描。显示胰腺周围筋膜、韧带及脂肪组织时,窗宽为350~400。
2 结果
7例急性胰腺炎平扫及增强扫描均显示胰腺结构大致正常 ......