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http://www.100md.com 2012年7月5日 景正全 淡珂 陈晓艳 艾之坤 李羚


     [摘要] 目的 了解目前湖北宜都地区孕产期妇女微量元素缺乏情况,为孕产妇合理补充微量元素及优生优育提供临床指导。 方法 采用原子吸收光谱法对孕产妇全血进行铜、锌、钙、镁、铁5种微量元素检测,并对结果进行统计分析。 结果 孕产期妇女铜、锌、钙、镁、铁5种微量元素缺乏率分别为1.3%、21.1%、32.4%、0.3%、22.6%。 结论 湖北宜都地区孕产期妇女铜、锌、钙、镁、铁5种微量元素以钙缺乏最为普遍,铁、锌次之,因此应加强孕产期妇女钙、铁、锌的合理补充,以保证母体健康和胎儿正常身心发育。

    [关键词] 孕产妇;微量元素;检测;补充

    [中图分类号] R71 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)07(a)-0187-02

    Survey analysis on trace elements examination in 318 pregnant women

    JING Zhengquan DAN Ke CHEN Xiaoyan Ai Zhikun LI Ling

    Maternal and Child Health Care Center of Yidu City in Hubei Province, Yidu 443300, China

    [Abstract] Objective To understand the deficiency status of trace elements of pregnant women in Hubei Yidu area and to provide the clinical instruction for the reasonable supplement of trace elements. Methods The atomic absorption spectroscopy was adopted to detect copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron in whole blood collected from the pregnant women. The results were statistically analyzed. Results In the gestation period, the deficiencies of copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron were 1.3%, 21.1%, 32.4%, 0.3%, 22.6% respectively. Conclusion During the gestation period in Yidu area, the calcium deficiency is most common among the deficiencies of five trace elements, followed by iron and zinc. Therefore, the reasonable supplement of iron, calcium and zinc during gestation period should be strengthened for ensuring the maternal health and normal physical and mental development of fetus.

    [Key words] Pregnant woman; Trace element; Detection; Supplement

    孕产期是女性一生中的特殊阶段,由于各种生理的改变,导致机体对各种营养的需求增加,特别是对各种微量元素的需求也会增加,因此在整个孕产期科学合理的搭配饮食,定期监测机体内微量元素的变化非常重要[1]。孕产期微量元素是反应孕产期营养状况的指标之一 ......
