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[摘要] 目的 探讨肺底积液的胸部X线平片表现及其临床价值。 方法 回顾分析18例临床确诊为肺底积液的胸部X线平片特征,并结合超声和CT(computer tomography,CT)加以总结。 结果 肺底积液的X线平片影像学改变以出现假膈、横膈顶最高点外移、心脏淹没征、肺纹截断征为主要影像学改变。 结论 本病的胸部X线影像学表现具有一定的特征性,认识其影像学表现结合临床、超声和CT综合分析,对肺底积液的诊断与鉴别诊断具有重要意义。
[关键词] 肺底积液;胸部;X线摄影;诊断价值
[中图分类号] R445.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674—4721(2012)09(c)—0089—02
Diagnostic value of chest X—ray imaging with infrapulmonary effusion
ZHOU Peng GAO Xuemei CHEN Lichuan
Department of Radiology, People''s Hospital of Deyang City in Sichuan Province, Deyang 618100, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the performance and clinical value of chest X—ray imaging diagnosis in infrapulmonary effusion. Methods The features of chest X—ray imaging diagnosis in 18 cases clinical diagnosis with infrapulmonary effusion were retrospectively analyzed and summarized combining ultrasound and CT. Results The main imaging changes in X—ray imaging findings of infrapulmonary effusion were shown as false diaphragmatic syndrome, diaphragmatic vertex move outside, cardiac submerged syndrome and pulmonary veins truncated syndrome. Conclusion Chest X—ray imaging findings of infrapulmonary effusion has certain characteristics. Known its imaging findings combined with clinical, ultrasound and CT comprehensive analysis has important significance for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of infrapulmonary effusion.
[Key words] Infrapulmonary effusion; Chest; Radiography; Diagnostic value
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
本组18例,男性10例,女性8例,年龄18~56岁,平均40岁。临床表现以胸痛、胸闷和咳嗽为主要症状。临床体查无明显异常或患侧呼吸音稍减弱,气管无明显移位 ......