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[摘要] 目的 探讨水中分娩对第一产程镇痛、软产道损伤、产程的影响。 方法 随机选取自2012年起郧县妇幼保健院300例符合水中分娩要求的产妇与300例传统自然分娩产妇,观察两种分娩方式对分娩疼痛、软产道裂伤、产程的影响。 结果 水中分娩的产妇产程缩短,分娩疼痛程度明显减轻,会阴侧切率降低,明显优越于传统自然分娩,两组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 水中分娩可以缩短分娩产程,减轻分娩疼痛和产道损伤,降低会阴侧切率,减少了药物及医疗干预,对母儿未见不良结局,是安全可行的。
[关键词] 水中分娩;产程;疼痛程度
[中图分类号] R715.7[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)03(c)-0173-02
The clinical application of the water delivery
FAN Hong-lan
Maternal and Child Health Care of Yunxian County in Shiyan City of Hubei Province,Yunxian 442500,China
[Abstract] Objective To discuss the influence of water delivery on the first labor analgesia,soft birth canal injury and labor. Methods 300 women met the requirements of the water delivery and 300 cases of traditional natural childbirth since 2012 in maternal and child health care of Yunxian county were selected,and the influence of the delivery pain,soft birth canal laceration and labor between the two delivery modes were observed. Results As for the water delivery,the time of maternal labor was shortened,the labor pain degree was significantly reduced,the rate of episiotomy was significantly decreased,which was significantly better than that of the traditional natural childbirth(P<0 ......