2.2 多因素Logistic回归分析
3 讨论
谵妄是一组表现为一过性、广泛性认知功能障碍综合征,通常急性起病和病情反复波动,以意识混乱、注意力不能集中为主要特征,过去又称“ICU综合征”“ICU精神障碍”“急性脑功能衰竭”,是ICU患者最常见的并发症之一。据文献报道[7-8],ICU内谵妄的发生率为5.1%~92%。本研究发现入住ICU后第一个24 h谵妄的发生率偏低(仅15%),同时谵妄组患者的年龄更大,结果与相关文献报道相符[9]。本研究发现谵妄的发生时间主要集中于入院后的前3天,其中第3天可达57.5%,但第4天升高不明显,可能与患者的急性炎性反应有关,如IL-6和CRP常在24~48 h内达到高峰[10]。另外,本研究发现手术部位和谵妄之间无明显关系,与有关文献报道的谵妄多见于心脏、大血管和骨科术后患者有所不同[11-13]。
[1] Girard TD,Jackson JC,Pandharipande PP,et al.Delirium as a predictor of long-term cognitive impairment in survivors of critical illness[J].Crit Care Med,2010,38(7):1513-1520.
[2] Barr J,Fraser GL,Puntillo K,et al.Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain,agitation,and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit[J].Crit Care Med,2013,41(1):263-306.
[3] Patel RP,Gambrell M,Speroff T,et al.Delirium and sedation in the intensive care unit:survey of behaviors and attitudes of 1384 healthcare professionals[J].Crit Care Med,2009,37(3):825-832.
[4] Page VJ.Tackling agitated delirium——the tip of the iceberg[J].Crit Care,2009,13(3):158.
[5] Young J,Murthy L,Westby M,et al.Diagnosis,prevention,and management of delirium:summary of NICE guidance[J].BMJ,2010,341:c3704.
[6] Marcantonio E,Ta T,Duthie E,et al.Delirium severity and psychomotor types:their relationship with outcomes after hip fracture repair[J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2002,50(5):850-857.
[7] Milbrandt EB,Deppen S,Harrison PL,et al.Costs associated with delirium in mechanically ventilated patients[J].Crit Care Med,2004,32(4):955-962.
[8] Ely EW,Margolin R,Francis J,et al.Evaluation of delirium in critically ill patients:validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU)[J].Crit Care Med,2001,29(7):1370-1379.
[9] Bekker AY,Weeks EJ.Cognitive function after anaesthesia in the elderly[J].Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol,2003, 17(2):259-272. (单可记 段慧 杨磊 许汪斌)
3 讨论
谵妄是一组表现为一过性、广泛性认知功能障碍综合征,通常急性起病和病情反复波动,以意识混乱、注意力不能集中为主要特征,过去又称“ICU综合征”“ICU精神障碍”“急性脑功能衰竭”,是ICU患者最常见的并发症之一。据文献报道[7-8],ICU内谵妄的发生率为5.1%~92%。本研究发现入住ICU后第一个24 h谵妄的发生率偏低(仅15%),同时谵妄组患者的年龄更大,结果与相关文献报道相符[9]。本研究发现谵妄的发生时间主要集中于入院后的前3天,其中第3天可达57.5%,但第4天升高不明显,可能与患者的急性炎性反应有关,如IL-6和CRP常在24~48 h内达到高峰[10]。另外,本研究发现手术部位和谵妄之间无明显关系,与有关文献报道的谵妄多见于心脏、大血管和骨科术后患者有所不同[11-13]。
[1] Girard TD,Jackson JC,Pandharipande PP,et al.Delirium as a predictor of long-term cognitive impairment in survivors of critical illness[J].Crit Care Med,2010,38(7):1513-1520.
[2] Barr J,Fraser GL,Puntillo K,et al.Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain,agitation,and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit[J].Crit Care Med,2013,41(1):263-306.
[3] Patel RP,Gambrell M,Speroff T,et al.Delirium and sedation in the intensive care unit:survey of behaviors and attitudes of 1384 healthcare professionals[J].Crit Care Med,2009,37(3):825-832.
[4] Page VJ.Tackling agitated delirium——the tip of the iceberg[J].Crit Care,2009,13(3):158.
[5] Young J,Murthy L,Westby M,et al.Diagnosis,prevention,and management of delirium:summary of NICE guidance[J].BMJ,2010,341:c3704.
[6] Marcantonio E,Ta T,Duthie E,et al.Delirium severity and psychomotor types:their relationship with outcomes after hip fracture repair[J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2002,50(5):850-857.
[7] Milbrandt EB,Deppen S,Harrison PL,et al.Costs associated with delirium in mechanically ventilated patients[J].Crit Care Med,2004,32(4):955-962.
[8] Ely EW,Margolin R,Francis J,et al.Evaluation of delirium in critically ill patients:validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU)[J].Crit Care Med,2001,29(7):1370-1379.
[9] Bekker AY,Weeks EJ.Cognitive function after anaesthesia in the elderly[J].Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol,2003, 17(2):259-272. (单可记 段慧 杨磊 许汪斌)