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(收稿日期:2014-12-16 本文编辑:李亚聪) (程亚丽)
[7] Jeong SK,Seo JY,Cho YI.Homocysteine and internal carotid artery occlusion in ischemic stroke[J].J Atheroscler Thromb,2011,17(9):963-969.
[8] Huang HW,Guo MH,Lin RJ,et al.Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor of middle cerebral artery stenosis[J].J Neurol,2007,254(3):364-367.
[9] 金梅,丁蔚.急性脑梗死患者血浆同型半胱氨酸测定的意义[J].海南医学,2010,21(11):91-92.
[10] Tsimikas S,Tsironis LD,Tselepis AD.New insights into the role of lipoprotein(a)-associated lipoprotein-associated phospholipade A2 in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease[J].Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2007,27(10):2094-2099.
[11] Jones GT,Deng M,Hammond-Tooke GD,et al.Increased plasma lipoprotein(a) found in large-artery atherosclerotic,but not small-artery occlusive,stroke[J].Clin Chem,2009,55(10):1888-1890.
[12] Aquil N,Bequm I,Ahmed A,et al.Risk factors in various subtypes of ischemin stroke according to TOAST criteria[J].J Coll Physicians Surg Pak,2011,21(5):280-283.
(收稿日期:2014-12-16 本文编辑:李亚聪) (程亚丽)