[摘要] 针对我院传统药用植物学实验教学中存在的问题,采用多种教学方法,如显微摄像系统、编写思考题、学生自主准备实验材料、实物教学等,在有限的教学课时下,最大限度地拓宽教学内容,提升实验教学质量,并受到学生的一致好评。[关键词] 药用植物学;实验教学;实验材料
[中图分类号] R282.7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)02(c)-0136-03
[Abstract] Focusing on the problems that exists in the traditional pharmaceutical botany experiment teaching,then many kinds of teaching means and methods are used.Such as microscopic imaging system,writing the thinking questions,student preparation experiment materials by themselves and object teaching which maximum broaden the teaching content and improve experimental teaching quality in limited teaching time and also get high praise from students.
[Key words] Pharmaceutical botany;Experiment teaching;Experiment material
药用植物学是中医药院校中药学、药学、中药制药等相关专业的一门重要专业基础课程 ......
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