[摘要]目的 研究分析细菌性感染性疾病与病毒性感染性疾病小儿超敏C-反应蛋白(hs-CRP)、血常规检验结果。方法 选取我院2015年8月~2017年1月收治的细菌性感染性疾病患儿和病毒性感染性疾病患儿中分别抽选30例作为细菌性感染组和病毒性感染组,另选同期本院健康体检者30例为对照组。均接受hs-CRP与血常规检查,比较三组观察的hs-CRP、中性粒细胞计数和白细胞计数;分析细菌性感染组检测的陽性率情况。结果 细菌性感染组的hs-CRP为(11.59±4.37)mg/L、中性粒细胞计数为(10.36±2.98)×109/L、白细胞计数为(14.92±3.59)×109/L,均明显高于对照组和病毒性感染组(P<0.05);病毒性感染组的上述各指标同对照组相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);细菌性感染组hs-CRP联合血常规检验阳性率为93.33%,明显高于hs-CRP检验阳性率(70.00%)、血常规检验阳性率(56.67%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 hs-CRP、血常规联合检验在小儿细菌性感染性疾病诊断中具有较高的应用价值,可广泛推广实施于临床。
[中图分类号] R725.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)7(c)-0143-03
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the results of hs-CRP and routine blood tests in children with bacterial infectious diseases and viral infectious diseases. Methods Thirty children with bacterial infectious diseases were selected as the bacterial infection group in this hospital. Thirty children with viral infectious diseases were selected as the viral infection group. Another 30 healthy physical examination personnel were used as the control group. All observations were made. All subjects were admitted to hospital from August 2015 to January 2017. All patients received hs-CRP and routine blood tests. Hs-CRP, neutrophil count, and leukocyte count data were compared between the three groups of subjects; bacterial status was analyzed. Positive rate of detection in infected children. Results The bacterial infection group with hs-CRP of (11.59±4.37) mg/L, neutrophil count of (10.36±2.98)×109/L, white blood cell count of (14.92±3.59)×109/L were significantly more children of the control group and viral infection group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group,there was no significant difference between the above indexes in the patients with viral infection group (P<0.05). The positive rate(93.33%)of the hs-crp combined blood routine test in children with bacterial infection was significantly higher than that in hs-CRP (70.00%), and the positive rate of blood routine test (56.67%) (P<0.05). Conclusion Hs-CRP and blood routine combined test have high application value in the diagnosis of infantile bacterial infectious diseases, and can be widely used in future clinical practice.
[Key words] Blood; Children; Bacterial infectious diseases; hs-CRP
在儿科临床当中最为常见的一种疾病为细菌性感染性疾病,细菌和病毒为诱发疾病主要的病原体[1]。虽然发热为疾病主要的临床表现,但其治疗难度大且方式较为复杂。由于疾病发生初期未有明显的症状表现及体征存在,使临床对疾病进行诊断的过程中极易出现误诊的情况,导致无法针对病情开展有效的治疗。将疾病早期诊断工作做好,可以将可靠的依据提供给后期临床治疗,在提升疗效及减小疾病危害方面有重要意义[2]。本文主要分析hs-CRP、血常规联合检验小儿细菌性感染性疾病的价值,旨在为今后临床诊断该疾病提供参考,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(徐龙芳)
[中图分类号] R725.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)7(c)-0143-03
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the results of hs-CRP and routine blood tests in children with bacterial infectious diseases and viral infectious diseases. Methods Thirty children with bacterial infectious diseases were selected as the bacterial infection group in this hospital. Thirty children with viral infectious diseases were selected as the viral infection group. Another 30 healthy physical examination personnel were used as the control group. All observations were made. All subjects were admitted to hospital from August 2015 to January 2017. All patients received hs-CRP and routine blood tests. Hs-CRP, neutrophil count, and leukocyte count data were compared between the three groups of subjects; bacterial status was analyzed. Positive rate of detection in infected children. Results The bacterial infection group with hs-CRP of (11.59±4.37) mg/L, neutrophil count of (10.36±2.98)×109/L, white blood cell count of (14.92±3.59)×109/L were significantly more children of the control group and viral infection group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group,there was no significant difference between the above indexes in the patients with viral infection group (P<0.05). The positive rate(93.33%)of the hs-crp combined blood routine test in children with bacterial infection was significantly higher than that in hs-CRP (70.00%), and the positive rate of blood routine test (56.67%) (P<0.05). Conclusion Hs-CRP and blood routine combined test have high application value in the diagnosis of infantile bacterial infectious diseases, and can be widely used in future clinical practice.
[Key words] Blood; Children; Bacterial infectious diseases; hs-CRP
在儿科临床当中最为常见的一种疾病为细菌性感染性疾病,细菌和病毒为诱发疾病主要的病原体[1]。虽然发热为疾病主要的临床表现,但其治疗难度大且方式较为复杂。由于疾病发生初期未有明显的症状表现及体征存在,使临床对疾病进行诊断的过程中极易出现误诊的情况,导致无法针对病情开展有效的治疗。将疾病早期诊断工作做好,可以将可靠的依据提供给后期临床治疗,在提升疗效及减小疾病危害方面有重要意义[2]。本文主要分析hs-CRP、血常规联合检验小儿细菌性感染性疾病的价值,旨在为今后临床诊断该疾病提供参考,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(徐龙芳)