[摘要]目的 了解江门市社区居民的精神健康素养状况和影响因素。方法 2017年12月~2018年2月,采用分层随机抽样的方法,选取江门市四个镇18~60岁社区常住居民200例进行入户调查。采用自编的一般人口学问卷、社区居民精神健康素养测评问卷收集基本情况和精神卫生知识知晓情况,采用χ2检验分析健康素养的影响因素。结果 ①“心理健康是健康的组成部分”“心理健康的主要内容”“心理和精神问题的诱发因素”条目的回答正确率较高(均>90%),而“世界自杀预防日”条目的回答正确率最低(19.0%)。②江门市社区居民的精神卫生知识总体知晓率为35.0%,其中,精神疾病病因和防治知识知晓率为50.5%,心理健康知识知晓率为53.5%,精神卫生相关节日知晓率为13.0%。③>30~40岁年龄组社区居民的精神健康素养水平高于其他年龄组(P<0.05),医务工作者的精神健康素养水平高于其他职业人群(P<0.05),且文化程度越高,精神健康素养水平越高(P<0.05)。结论 江门市社区居民的精神健康素养总体水平还有待提高,年龄、职业、文化程度是精神健康素养的主要影响因素。
[中图分类号] R521 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)5(a)-0185-04
[Abstract] Objective To understand the awareness rate and influencing factors of mental health literacy among community residents in Jiangmen city. Methods From December 2017 to February 2018, a stratified random sampling method was adopted to select 200 constant residents aged between 18 and 60 in four towns of Jiangmen city for household survey. The self-designed general demographic questionnaire and community residents′ mental health literacy questionnaire were used to collect basic information and the awareness of mental health knowledge. The influencing factors of mental health literacy were analyzed by χ2 test. Results ①“Mental health is an integral part of health”, “the main content of mental health”, and “the inducing factors of psychological and mental” problems had higher correct answers (all >90%), while “World Suicide Prevention Day” has the lowest correct answers (19.0%). ②The overall awareness rate of mental health knowledge among community residents in Jiangmen city was 35.0%. Among them, the awareness rate of etiology and prevention of mental illness was 50.5%. The awareness rate of mental health knowledge was 53.5%. The awareness rate of mental health related festivals was 13.0%. ③The mental health literacy level of community residents aged >30-40 was higher than that of other age groups (P<0.05). The mental health literacy level of medical workers was higher than that of other occupational groups (P<0.05). The higher the educational level, the higher the mental health literacy level (P<0.05). Conclusion The general level of mental health literacy of community residents in Jiangmen remains to be improved. Age, occupation and education are the main influencing factors of mental health literacy.
[Key words] Community residents; Mental health literacy; Awareness rate; Promotion
精神健康素養由健康素养引申而来,将其定义为:是指帮助人们认识、处理或者预防精神障碍的相关的知识和信念,是一种综合能力[1]。包括以下几个方面的内容:①识别特定的疾病或不同的心理问题的能力;②关于危险因素或病因的有关知识或信念;③有关自助干预的知识或信念;④关于得到专业帮助的知识或信念;⑤有助于认识并了解恰当的求助方法的态度;⑥寻找精神卫生信息的知识。研究表明低健康素养与不健康行为、不良疾病结局等问题相关[2-4],因此提高社区居民的精神健康素养对社会和个人的精神健康有着重要的意义。本研究调查了江门市社区居民的健康素养水平及其影响因素,并通过有针对性的干预措施以提升江门市社区居民的健康素养,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(向锋 傅丽 肖雁)
[中图分类号] R521 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)5(a)-0185-04
[Abstract] Objective To understand the awareness rate and influencing factors of mental health literacy among community residents in Jiangmen city. Methods From December 2017 to February 2018, a stratified random sampling method was adopted to select 200 constant residents aged between 18 and 60 in four towns of Jiangmen city for household survey. The self-designed general demographic questionnaire and community residents′ mental health literacy questionnaire were used to collect basic information and the awareness of mental health knowledge. The influencing factors of mental health literacy were analyzed by χ2 test. Results ①“Mental health is an integral part of health”, “the main content of mental health”, and “the inducing factors of psychological and mental” problems had higher correct answers (all >90%), while “World Suicide Prevention Day” has the lowest correct answers (19.0%). ②The overall awareness rate of mental health knowledge among community residents in Jiangmen city was 35.0%. Among them, the awareness rate of etiology and prevention of mental illness was 50.5%. The awareness rate of mental health knowledge was 53.5%. The awareness rate of mental health related festivals was 13.0%. ③The mental health literacy level of community residents aged >30-40 was higher than that of other age groups (P<0.05). The mental health literacy level of medical workers was higher than that of other occupational groups (P<0.05). The higher the educational level, the higher the mental health literacy level (P<0.05). Conclusion The general level of mental health literacy of community residents in Jiangmen remains to be improved. Age, occupation and education are the main influencing factors of mental health literacy.
[Key words] Community residents; Mental health literacy; Awareness rate; Promotion
精神健康素養由健康素养引申而来,将其定义为:是指帮助人们认识、处理或者预防精神障碍的相关的知识和信念,是一种综合能力[1]。包括以下几个方面的内容:①识别特定的疾病或不同的心理问题的能力;②关于危险因素或病因的有关知识或信念;③有关自助干预的知识或信念;④关于得到专业帮助的知识或信念;⑤有助于认识并了解恰当的求助方法的态度;⑥寻找精神卫生信息的知识。研究表明低健康素养与不健康行为、不良疾病结局等问题相关[2-4],因此提高社区居民的精神健康素养对社会和个人的精神健康有着重要的意义。本研究调查了江门市社区居民的健康素养水平及其影响因素,并通过有针对性的干预措施以提升江门市社区居民的健康素养,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(向锋 傅丽 肖雁)