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http://www.100md.com 2020年6月25日 《中国当代医药》 202018
     [摘要]目的 調查“二孩”政策放开后新余市育龄妇女避孕节育措施现状。方法 选择新余市2016年11月~2019年11月进行问卷调查婚后育龄妇女500人,一般资料十分完整。观察和统计育龄妇女避孕节育措施;观察和统计育龄妇女人口学特征;观察和统计分析各种节育措施的不良反应发生率和避孕失败率。结果 本次调查共发放调查问卷500份,收回500份,有效问卷500份,有效率为100.00%。育龄妇女避孕节育措施主要是通过避孕套避孕,其次为宫内节育器,通过输卵管结扎、口服避孕药、避孕药栓(膜)的人数较少。各种节育措施的不良反应方面,其他方法不良反应发生率最高,为19.35%;其次为口服避孕药、避孕药栓(膜),不良反应发生率为18.92%;通过宫内节育器避孕的不良反应发生率为11.49%;经避孕套避孕和输卵管结扎避孕的不良反应发生率最低。在避孕失败方面,口服避孕药、避孕药栓(膜)发生率最高;其他方法和宫内节育器也有一定的发生率;避孕套避孕和输卵管结扎避孕安全性最高,均未发生避孕失败的情况。结论 “二孩”政策放开后新余市育龄妇女避孕节育措施主要以避孕套避孕、宫内节育器为主,各种避孕节育措施均有一定的不良反应和避孕失败情况,育龄妇女需结合实际情况,选择合适的避孕措施。


    [中图分类号] R173 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2020)6(c)-0167-04

    Survey on the current status of contraceptive and birth control measures for women of childbearing age in Xinyu City after the release of the "two-child" policy

    HU Fei1 ZHANG Bo-cheng2 HU Yan-fei3

    1. Population and Family Planning Service Center of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, Xinyu 338025, China; 2. The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Xinyu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangxi Province, Xinyu 338025, China; 3. Department of Postpartum Rehabilitation, Xinyu Maternal and Child Care Hospital, Jiangxi Province, Xinyu 338025, China

    [Abstract] Objective To survey the current status of contraceptive and birth control measures for women of childbearing age in Xinyu City after the release of the "two-child" policy. Methods A survey of 500 women of childbearing age after marriage was conducted in Xinyu City from November 2016 to November 2019. The general information was very complete. The contraceptive measures for women of childbearing age were observed and counted. Demographic characteristics of women of childbearing age were observed and counted. The incidence of adverse reactions and contraceptive failure rates of various contraceptive measures were observed and statistically analyzed. Results A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed in this survey, all of which were returned and valid questionnaires, with the effective rate being 100.00%. Contraceptive measures for women of childbearing age were mainly condoms, followed by intrauterine device (IUD) contraception; only a few of women adopted fallopian tubal ligation, oral contraceptives, and contraceptive pills (membrane). Among the adverse reactions of various contraceptive measures, other methods (19.35%) had the highest incidence of adverse reactions, followed by oral contraceptives and contraceptive pills (membrane) (18.92%). The incidence rate of adverse reactions of IUD contraception was 11.49%, and the incidence of adverse reactions of condom and fallopian tubal ligation contraception was the lowest. In terms of contraceptive failure, the oral contraceptives and contraceptive pills (membrane) had the highest incidence of failure, other methods and IUD contraception also had certain incidence of failure, and condom contraception and fallopian tube ligation contraception had the highest safety, without occurrence of failures in contraception. Conclusion After the release of the "two-child" policy, contraceptive measures in women of childbearing age in Xinyu City are mainly condoms and IUD contraception. Various contraceptive measures have certain adverse reactions and contraceptive failures. Women of childbearing age need to combine actual conditions in selection of the appropriate contraceptive measures., 百拇医药(胡菲 张博成 胡艳飞)
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