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作者单位:621000 四川省绵阳市中心医院
【摘要】 目的 避免和减少院前急救中医患纠纷的发生。方法 分析院前急救中医患纠纷常见原因,总结采取的措施及效果。结果 出诊不及时、沟通不良、业务不精、忽视患者知情权、态度差、管理不善、制度不健全是造成医患纠纷的主要原因。结论 强化管理、健全制度、规范服务、提高业务水平、增强法律意识可减少院前急救中医患纠纷的发生。
【关键词】 院前急救; 纠纷; 对策
The factors and countermeasure to cope with disputes in prehospital medical care YU Mao-qiong,WANG Ying,YANG Yong. Central Hospital of Mianyang, Mianyang 621000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To prevent and reduce the disputes in prehospital medical care.Methods The date of dispute between 1996-2009 in prehospital medical care was been analyzed.Results The bad communication, neglecting the patients right to know, mismanagement etc.were main reasons to cause disputes in prehospital medical care.Conclusion It was important to prevent and reduce the disputes by strengthening management,improving standardize of services, enhancing awareness of the law in prehospital medical care ......