作者单位:261021 山东省潍坊市脑科医院通讯作者:李智慧
【摘要】 卒中急性期患者可出现继发性心脏损害的症状、体征,以及心电图和心肌酶的变化。这些改变可随卒中症状的改善而逐渐恢复正常或遗留轻度异常。临床上常称之为脑心综合征。本文就近年来关于脑心综合征的发病机制、临床特征以及治疗方面做综合阐述。
【关键词】 脑心综合征; 卒中; 发病机制; 临床特征; 综述
The pathogenesy and clinical features of cerebrocardiac syndrome after acute stroke LI Zhi-Hui,WANG Jian-Jun.Weifang Brain Hospital, Weifang 261021,China
【Abstract】 Some cardiovascular manifestations could be found in acute stroke patients,which is called cefebrocardiac syndrome(CCS).Some abnormalities in Electrocardiography(ECG) and creatine kinase-MB elevation could also be observed.However,such abnormalities will be gradually recovering with the improvement of stroke. The pathogenesy and clinical features of cerebrocardiac syndrome after acute stroke in recent years were reported.
【Key words】 Cerebrocardiac syndrome; Stroke; Pathogenesy; Clinical features
脑心综合征(cerebrocardiac syndrome, CCS)自Byer于1947年首先发现以来 ......
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