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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月15日 赵禹 高海林


     【摘要】 Graves病是一种常见病和多发病。目前针对Graves病主要有三种治疗方法:抗甲状腺药物、放射性碘部分缩小甲状腺组织、甲状腺次全切或全切。虽然每种方法都可较满意的使甲状腺功能正常,但没有一种是完美的,且都有一定的副作用。本文拟参考国外数篇最近发表的、有较大影响力的综述和大样本前瞻随机研究,来观察欧洲和北美在选择这三种治疗方法上的异同,以期能给我国从事Graves病诊疗的各科医生提供相应的信息。

    【关键词】 Graves病; 治疗

    The treatment strategies of Graves disease in Europe and North America ZHAO Yu,GAO Hai-lin.Inner Mongolia General Forest Hospital,Yakeshi 022150,China

    【Abstract】 Graves disease is a common disease in China.There are three methods in treating Graves disease:the anti-thyroid drugs;131I thyroid ablation and thyroidectomy.None of the three methods is perfect,because each method has its adverse effect.Regarding this,by reviewing most impact reviews and prospective research papers published in recent years,we try to supply strategy dependent information about how to select right methods for Graves disease ......
