作者单位:100037 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院通讯作者:李志远
【摘要】 本文探讨了笔者所在医院实施常态化医疗质量巡查制度的具体方法和取得的成效。笔者所在医院从2011年初开始组织医务管理人员每周到各个临床科室/病区巡查医疗工作质量1~2次,并及时进行沟通和评价。通过定期巡查临床科室,加强了医疗环节质量监控,增加了医务管理部门与临床科室之间的理解和沟通,增强了科室主任的质量意识,进而提高了医疗质量,加强医疗管理制度的执行力。笔者认为,实施常态化医疗质量巡查是加强医院管理、提高医疗质量的有效途径。
【关键词】 医疗质量; 巡查; 专科医院
Practice of carrying out normalized medical quality inspection in special hospital YANG Guo-sheng, LI Zhi-yuan, YU Zhi-xin, et al. The Fuwai Hospital of Cardiovascular Disease Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China
【Abstract】 This paper discussed the implementation of normal medical quality inspection system of specific methods and achievements. From the beginning of 2011, every week administrative personnel from medical department inspected clinical divisions once or twice to evaluate and communicate. Through this system, the communication between clinical divisions and medical department was strengthened, the quality consciousness of clinical leader was enhanced, and the enforcement of medical management was improved. Normalized medical quality inspection was an efficient system which could strengthen hospital management and improve medical quality. ......
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