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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月5日 中国医学创新 2014年第16期
     【摘要】 分析中医教学存在的教、学分离,理论教育和动手实践分离的现状和成因,提出加强医案教学是解决这一问题的重要途径,并阐述加强医案教学的具体思路和做法。

    【关键词】 案例教学法; 中医教育; 思维模式

    To Explore the Role of Case Method between Basic and Clinical Medicine of TCM/ZHANG Ting-ting, LI Lin.//Medical Innovation of China,2014,11(16):078-080

    【Abstract】 Because of that modern traditional Chinese medicine education curriculum system is unreasonable, teachers' professional ideology is not solid. Traditional and cultural background of students is missing and there are many other issues ......
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