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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月25日 中国医学创新 2015年第6期
     【摘要】 医务人员和患者在为实现健康这个共同目标的实践中应达成融洽的关系状态,但当前医患关系紧张已是不争事实。究其原因有人文关怀的缺失,因此可以通过构建人文精神缓解医患关系,用人文关怀理念缩短医患距离。

    【关键词】 医患关系; 医患距离; 人文关怀

    【Abstract】 To achieve the common goal of keeping health, medical staff and patients should try to reach a harmonious relationship. however, the tense doctor-patient relationship is an indisputable fact, which is, in some degree, caused by the lack of humanistic care. As a result, it is a good way to ease the doctor-patient relationship by constructing the humanistic spirit and shorten the doctor-patient distance by the humanistic concern.

    【Key words】 The doctor-patient relationship; Gap between doctors and patients; Humanistic care

    医患关系是因疾病的诊疗与康复建立起来的人际关系 ......
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