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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月25日 《中国医学创新》 2015年第9期
     【摘要】 目的:比较环乳晕切口与传统放射状切口治疗乳腺良性肿块的临床疗效。总结环乳晕切口行乳腺良性肿块切除术的适应证、禁忌证,减少并发症的发生,同时满足女性保持乳房美观的要求。方法:将符合标准的160例乳房良性肿块患者,按随机数字表分成观察组80例和对照组80例,观察组使用环乳晕切口进行治疗,对照组使用传统放射状切口进行治疗。结果:观察组患者的手术时间与术中出血量分别为(30±5)min与(15±4)mL,与对照组的(24±4)min与(20±5)mL比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组患者术后乳房对称、瘢痕可接受分别为100%与95%,均显著高于对照组的87.5%与67.5%(P<0.05)。两组患者切口均1期愈合,术后乳头勃起均正常、乳头乳晕均感觉正常。结论:环乳晕切口不仅疗效好,同时能够最大限度地维持患者乳房的美观,并且能够减少患者并发症的发生,患者的满意度高,值得在临床上推广使用。

    【关键词】 乳房良性肿块; 环乳晕切口; 传统放射状切口

, http://www.100md.com     【Abstract】 Objective: To compare the clinical curative effect of loop periareolar incision and traditional radial incision for the treatment of benign breast mass. Summary of loop periareolar incision for benign breast mass resection: indications, contraindications, reduce the occurrence of complications, also meet women keep breast appearance requirements. Method: 160 eligible patients with breast benign tumor patients were randomly divided into observation group (80 cases) and control group (80 cases), the observation group used loop periareolar incision for treatment, the control group used the traditional radial incision for treatment. Result: The operation time and bleeding volume in operation group were respectively (30±5) min and (15±4) mL, and compared to the control group (24±4) min and (20±5) mL,there were no significant difference (P>0.05). The observation group patients after mastectomy scar symmetry and acceptability were 100% and 95%, 87.5% and 67.5% were significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). The patients in the two groups were 1 incision healing, nipple erection were normal, the nipple areola were feeling normal after operation. Conclusion: Loop periareolar incision not only has good curative effect, at the same time to maximize the maintenance of the breast of the patient’s appearance, and can reduce the occurrence of complications of patients, patient satisfaction is high, it is worth using widely in clinic.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Breast benign tumor; Ring areola incision; Traditional radial incision

    First-author’s address:Guangxi Wuzhou Maternal and Child Health-Care Hospital, Wuzhou 543002,China


    乳腺良性肿块是一种女性外科临床上的常见病。乳腺良性肿块需要及时切除,否则会影响患者的正常生活,甚至有可能恶化[1]。乳腺良性肿块传统的治疗方法是采用乳房放射状切口切除肿块,但是这种治疗方法会在患者的乳房上留下手术瘢痕,容易造成患者两侧乳房不对称,影响患者的美观[2]。因此,在治疗乳腺良性肿块中,如何选择隐蔽的切口,保持患者乳房的外观,也是十分重要的一个问题[3]。环乳晕切口切除乳腺良性肿块后其瘢痕较为隐蔽,具有理想的美学效果,近年来已经得到越来越广泛的应用。但是目前存在的问题是该方法的适应证、禁忌证等目前争议较多,同时该方法容易出现一些并发症,如乳头勃起障碍、乳晕区感觉障碍等[4]。本研究比较了环乳晕切口与传统放射状切口治疗乳腺良性肿块的临床疗效,现将研究结果报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(庞义坚等)
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