【摘要】 目的:分析对长期病患照顾者开展能力提升训练的方法及效果。方法:选取100例长期病患照顾者,应用本院自行设计的护理能力提升训练模块,对其进行培训,培训结束后对长期病患照顾者的培训前后护理能力进行比较,并调查培训前后长期病患对照顾者护理的满意度,同时调查照顾者对培训的态度。结果:经过培训后,照顾者对护理知识及照顾技巧的认识度显著上升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);同时培训后长期病患对照顾者的满意度也明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对长期病患照顾者开展护理能力提升训练,不仅可以提高其护理水平,同时还能够提高病患对其的满意度,帮助患者早日康复。
【关键词】 长期病患; 照顾者; 护理能力; 培训
Analysis of the Design and Application Effect of Training Module for Caregivers of the Chronically Ill to Enhance Their Nursing Ability/ZHU Yan-jun.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(18):082-085
, 百拇医药
【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze the method and effect of training for caregivers of the chronically ill to enhance their ability of nursing.Method:100 caregivers of the chronical illness were trained with application of the training module designed by our hospital to improve their nursing ability.After training,their nursing ability were compared with before the training.At the same time,the satisfaction of the chronically ill for the caregivers before and after the training and attitude of the caregivers towards the training were researched.Result:After the training,the caregivers knew much more about the nursing knowledge and nursing technique,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Meanwhile,the satisfaction of the chronically ill to the caregivers remarkably improved,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Improving the ability of nursing training for caregivers of the chronical illness can not only improve their nursing ability but also improve the patients’ satisfaction for them,it can help the recovery of patients quickly.
, 百拇医药
【Key words】 Chronically ill; Caregiver; Nursing ability; Training
First-author’s address:The No.7 People’s Hospital of Nanhai District,Foshan 528247,China
, 百拇医药
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择2012年9月-2014年9月就诊于本院的长期病例100例。病患选择标准:(1)签署有关知情同意书;(2)可以理解及配合护理且开展随访;(3)患者病期长,意识清醒,生命体征正常,无并发症;(4)通过日常生活能力量表检测与健康评估,与长期照顾标准相符。随机抽取100例长期病患照顾者,照顾者选择标准:(1)病患主要照顾者;(2)自愿参与且精神正常;(3)是病患家属;(4)一起生活,不存在照护报酬关系。100例照顾者中,男55例,女45例;年龄38~64岁,平均(54.32±3.12)岁;文化程度:本科及本科以上20例,大专30例,中专30例,初中10例,小学8例,文盲2例。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 对照顾者进行长期病患护理知识评估 应用面谈、本院自主研究设计的调查表或者照顾技能示范等方法,全面了解100例照顾者对常见护理问题(比如康复训练指导、用药护理、病患日常生活能力训练、饮食护理以及安全护理等内容)的掌握情况,接着对照顾者存在的问题及长期病患需要开展护理能力提升训练[2]。培训结束后对100例照顾者再次进行评估,从而进一步了解其经过培训后,是否掌握相关长期病患康复护理知识。同时,还采取调查表及面谈的形式认识照顾者对培训的态度与自我心理调节情况。, 百拇医药(朱燕君)
【关键词】 长期病患; 照顾者; 护理能力; 培训
Analysis of the Design and Application Effect of Training Module for Caregivers of the Chronically Ill to Enhance Their Nursing Ability/ZHU Yan-jun.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(18):082-085
, 百拇医药
【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze the method and effect of training for caregivers of the chronically ill to enhance their ability of nursing.Method:100 caregivers of the chronical illness were trained with application of the training module designed by our hospital to improve their nursing ability.After training,their nursing ability were compared with before the training.At the same time,the satisfaction of the chronically ill for the caregivers before and after the training and attitude of the caregivers towards the training were researched.Result:After the training,the caregivers knew much more about the nursing knowledge and nursing technique,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Meanwhile,the satisfaction of the chronically ill to the caregivers remarkably improved,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Improving the ability of nursing training for caregivers of the chronical illness can not only improve their nursing ability but also improve the patients’ satisfaction for them,it can help the recovery of patients quickly.
, 百拇医药
【Key words】 Chronically ill; Caregiver; Nursing ability; Training
First-author’s address:The No.7 People’s Hospital of Nanhai District,Foshan 528247,China
, 百拇医药
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择2012年9月-2014年9月就诊于本院的长期病例100例。病患选择标准:(1)签署有关知情同意书;(2)可以理解及配合护理且开展随访;(3)患者病期长,意识清醒,生命体征正常,无并发症;(4)通过日常生活能力量表检测与健康评估,与长期照顾标准相符。随机抽取100例长期病患照顾者,照顾者选择标准:(1)病患主要照顾者;(2)自愿参与且精神正常;(3)是病患家属;(4)一起生活,不存在照护报酬关系。100例照顾者中,男55例,女45例;年龄38~64岁,平均(54.32±3.12)岁;文化程度:本科及本科以上20例,大专30例,中专30例,初中10例,小学8例,文盲2例。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 对照顾者进行长期病患护理知识评估 应用面谈、本院自主研究设计的调查表或者照顾技能示范等方法,全面了解100例照顾者对常见护理问题(比如康复训练指导、用药护理、病患日常生活能力训练、饮食护理以及安全护理等内容)的掌握情况,接着对照顾者存在的问题及长期病患需要开展护理能力提升训练[2]。培训结束后对100例照顾者再次进行评估,从而进一步了解其经过培训后,是否掌握相关长期病患康复护理知识。同时,还采取调查表及面谈的形式认识照顾者对培训的态度与自我心理调节情况。, 百拇医药(朱燕君)