【摘要】 心电图的诊断是临床医师基本功之一,但目前临床医师对该项技能的欠缺与心电图教学内容不臻完善不无相关。心电图核心理论为“二次投影”学说,即指不同瞬间的心电综合向量形成的空间向量环先后经过二维平面和一维直线空间投影形成心电图的学说。本文将对心电向量理论在心电图教学中的定位进行剖析,重在分析为什么心电向量理论在心电图判读中起到重要作用,以及在心电图教学中该如何运用并强化该理论,旨在提高心电图教学的有效性。【关键词】 心电向量理论; 心电图; 教学
【Abstract】 The diagnosis of ECG is one of the basic skills of clinician.But now,clinician are lack of this kind of ability.ECG core theory as the theory of"secondary projection",namely different moments of ECG integrated vector space vector ring successively through two-dimensional projection plane and one dimensional linear space form ECG theory.This article will be to the ECG vector theory in the teaching of ECG positioning for analysis ......
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