【摘要】 目的:探讨空心拉力螺钉固定并植入带孔同种异体腓骨治疗中青年股骨颈骨折的疗效。方法:两枚空心拉力螺钉与带孔同种异体腓骨呈正三角形固定治疗中青年股骨颈骨折。结果:术后63例获随访患者,骨折均愈合,其中有5例出现股骨头坏死,3例坏死灶得到修复,2例患者没被修复,但关节面保持完整没塌陷。结论:2枚空心拉力螺钉固定并植入带孔同种异体腓骨治疗中青年股骨颈骨折具有坚强固定,改善股骨头血运的优势,有助于提高股骨颈骨折愈合率,降低股骨头坏死率及股骨头坏死塌陷率。
【关键词】 中青年股骨颈骨折; 空心拉力螺钉; 同种异体腓骨; 内固定
Clinical Observation of Cannulated Lag Screw Fixation Combined Allogeneic Fibular with Holes Implantation in the Treatment of Young and Middle-aged Femoral Neck Fracture/CHEN Hai-hong,GAO Da-wei,LIN Zhi-jiong,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(24):130-133
, 百拇医药
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the curative effect of cannulated lag screw fixation combined allogeneic fibular with holes implantation in the treatment of young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture.Method:The young and middle-aged patients with femoral neck fracture were treated with two cannulated lag screw and fixed a positive triangle with allogeneic fibular with holes.Result:63 patients were followed up after surgery,the fractures were all healed.There were 5 cases of femoral head necrosis,3 cases of necrotic foci repaired,2 patients of no repaired,but the joint surface remained intact.Conclusion:Two cannulated lag screw fixation combined allogeneic fibular with holes implantation for the treatment of young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture have advantages of strong fixation and improving the blood supply of the femoral head,it is helpful to improve the healing rate of femoral neck fracture,reduce the rate of femoral head necrosis and rate of femoral head necrosis collapse.
, 百拇医药
【Key words】 Young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture; Cannulated lag screw; Allogeneic fibular; Internal fixation
First-author’s address:Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhongshan,Zhongshan 528400,China
, http://www.100md.com
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组患者共63例,男45例,女18例;年龄20~53岁,平均(40.5±3.2)岁;按骨折部位分为头下型8例,头颈型32例,经颈型15例,基底型8例;按照Garden分型,I型2例,Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲ型20例,Ⅳ型32例;损伤至手术时间2~5 d,平均(3.1±0.6)d。术前对52例移位骨折患者行手法复位,维持胫骨结节牵引制动,维持患肢外展中立位牵引2~5 d,完善术前检查,尽早行手术治疗。
1.2 方法 复位成功后,双下肢固定于牵引床上,见图1。患髋外侧切口,在大粗隆下缘下方1.5~2 cm股骨外侧钻入3枚导针,股骨颈中上1/3钻入1枚,中下1/3处钻入2枚,导针呈“正三角形”,尖端至股骨头软骨面下。C臂X光机透视确定骨折端对位对线良好,导针均位于股骨颈内,位置良好,测量下方两枚导针深度,选用适宜长度空心拉力螺钉。先沿下方前导针拧入空心拉力螺钉,螺纹超过折线起拉力作用,钉末端距股骨头软骨面1~0.5 cm。再沿下方后导针拧入空心拉力螺钉,螺纹横跨远近折端起支撑作用,钉末端距股骨头软骨面1~0.5 cm。带孔同种异体腓骨制备:在同种异体腓骨上用直径1.5 mm克氏针相互垂直钻4排孔,孔间相距1~2 cm,见图2。测量同种异体腓骨直径,一般在11~12 mm,沿上方导针用空心钻从直径8~12 mm依次扩髓,达软骨面下0.5 cm,最后一次扩髓钻头直径与腓骨条直径大小一致。测深,并植入相应长度同种异体腓骨到股骨头软骨下0.5~1 cm,术中注意不要穿透关节面,不要遗留异体腓骨在软组织中。, http://www.100md.com(陈海宏 高大伟 林志炯 等)
【关键词】 中青年股骨颈骨折; 空心拉力螺钉; 同种异体腓骨; 内固定
Clinical Observation of Cannulated Lag Screw Fixation Combined Allogeneic Fibular with Holes Implantation in the Treatment of Young and Middle-aged Femoral Neck Fracture/CHEN Hai-hong,GAO Da-wei,LIN Zhi-jiong,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(24):130-133
, 百拇医药
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the curative effect of cannulated lag screw fixation combined allogeneic fibular with holes implantation in the treatment of young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture.Method:The young and middle-aged patients with femoral neck fracture were treated with two cannulated lag screw and fixed a positive triangle with allogeneic fibular with holes.Result:63 patients were followed up after surgery,the fractures were all healed.There were 5 cases of femoral head necrosis,3 cases of necrotic foci repaired,2 patients of no repaired,but the joint surface remained intact.Conclusion:Two cannulated lag screw fixation combined allogeneic fibular with holes implantation for the treatment of young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture have advantages of strong fixation and improving the blood supply of the femoral head,it is helpful to improve the healing rate of femoral neck fracture,reduce the rate of femoral head necrosis and rate of femoral head necrosis collapse.
, 百拇医药
【Key words】 Young and middle-aged femoral neck fracture; Cannulated lag screw; Allogeneic fibular; Internal fixation
First-author’s address:Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhongshan,Zhongshan 528400,China
, http://www.100md.com
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组患者共63例,男45例,女18例;年龄20~53岁,平均(40.5±3.2)岁;按骨折部位分为头下型8例,头颈型32例,经颈型15例,基底型8例;按照Garden分型,I型2例,Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲ型20例,Ⅳ型32例;损伤至手术时间2~5 d,平均(3.1±0.6)d。术前对52例移位骨折患者行手法复位,维持胫骨结节牵引制动,维持患肢外展中立位牵引2~5 d,完善术前检查,尽早行手术治疗。
1.2 方法 复位成功后,双下肢固定于牵引床上,见图1。患髋外侧切口,在大粗隆下缘下方1.5~2 cm股骨外侧钻入3枚导针,股骨颈中上1/3钻入1枚,中下1/3处钻入2枚,导针呈“正三角形”,尖端至股骨头软骨面下。C臂X光机透视确定骨折端对位对线良好,导针均位于股骨颈内,位置良好,测量下方两枚导针深度,选用适宜长度空心拉力螺钉。先沿下方前导针拧入空心拉力螺钉,螺纹超过折线起拉力作用,钉末端距股骨头软骨面1~0.5 cm。再沿下方后导针拧入空心拉力螺钉,螺纹横跨远近折端起支撑作用,钉末端距股骨头软骨面1~0.5 cm。带孔同种异体腓骨制备:在同种异体腓骨上用直径1.5 mm克氏针相互垂直钻4排孔,孔间相距1~2 cm,见图2。测量同种异体腓骨直径,一般在11~12 mm,沿上方导针用空心钻从直径8~12 mm依次扩髓,达软骨面下0.5 cm,最后一次扩髓钻头直径与腓骨条直径大小一致。测深,并植入相应长度同种异体腓骨到股骨头软骨下0.5~1 cm,术中注意不要穿透关节面,不要遗留异体腓骨在软组织中。, http://www.100md.com(陈海宏 高大伟 林志炯 等)