【摘要】 癌症患者最重要的一个临床症状即为疼痛。近几年来,在对癌症患者的疼痛管理研究中得出:肿瘤患者具备的所有自觉症状中,癌性疼痛的发生率最高。在重度疼痛中,癌症患者和晚期恶性肿瘤患者占据50%以上。据国内资料表明,癌痛得不到充分治疗的一个重要原因就是对癌痛的评估不到位、不规范。现将癌痛的评估工具综述如下,以便提高医护人员对工具使用的准确率,从而为癌痛的治疗提供依据。【关键词】 疼痛; 癌痛; 评估
【Abstract】 One of the clinical symptoms in cancer patients is pain.According to the review research progress in cancer pain control recently,in all self-conscious symptoms of cancer patients,the incidence of cancer pain is the highest.More than 50% patients with cancer suffering from severe pain.The national data indicate that one of the important reason which caused insufficient treatment is insufficient assessment.The following is a summary about the tool of cancer pain assessment ......
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