【摘要】 在现代高等教育过程中采用多元化教学模式已经成为趋势。针对广州医科大学预防医学专业《职业卫生与职业医学》课程,构建多种教学方法和多种教学资源(平台)相融的多元化教学模式。除了传统教学模式外,有PBL模式、合作学习,还利用精品教学资源网站、MOOC平台和微信平台,初步探讨了多元化教学的设计与实践。【关键词】 教学模式; 多元化; 教学设计
【Abstract】 In the process of modern higher education,the adoption of diversified teaching mode has become a trend.In accordance with the curriculum of occupational health and occupational medicine in preventive medicine for Guangzhou Medical University,a diversified teaching model with various teaching methods and a variety of teaching resources(platforms) has been constructed.In addition to the traditional teaching mode ......
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